Chapter 50: P E to the TT Y

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A/N: 1.5K reads, much love my pretties! 

Elijah, Klaus and I stood on the balcony looking down at all the factions mingling between themselves at our last minute party. Klaus and Elijah were in dapper suits and I was in a stunning blue gown. It was decked in sequins and cascaded down, now that I was starting to show my baby bump.

"I'm impressed, Fiore." Elijah said looking down at the party in surprise of how well it turned out.

"As am I, for a pregnant woman, you do get a lot done." Klaus said turning to smirk at me.

"Well someone has to do it." I said shrugging. "You silly boys, always underestimate me."

"I assure you, I will do no such thing again, but for now—let's just hope we can keep them from tearing one another into shreds" Elijah said with concern.

"Well, then for your sake, here's to a spectacularly boring evening." Nik said to him with a slight chuckle.

"Parties are supposed to be fun!" I whined.

"At least there's lots for us to drink" Klaus said with a shrug.

"Speak for yourself." I grumbled. "Unless you have a child with foetal alcohol syndrome in mind. Although the baby is part vampire so maybe it can— "

"Don't risk it" Klaus and Elijah replied simultaneously. I started to laugh when Genevieve walked up to the three of us and clutched Klaus's arm.

"What's so funny?" She asked, immediately changing the mood. Even Nik looked uncomfortable.

"Your dress." I said smiling at her. "And your sad little tryst with my husband. And your life in general."

"I've just seen Francesca; would you like to join me Fiore?" Elijah asked trying to diffuse the situation.

"Nope. I'm fine right here." Elijah nodded awkwardly and left the three of us alone. "It almost feels like a joke. Why play out the part when you're not the starring role in someone else's heart? There is no Oscar for best fill-in"

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Genevieve said glaring at me.

"Other than my own home? I should be asking you that question, after all it is you that's a guest." I said smiling back still.

"Don't you have guests to mingle with? Davina will be wondering where you are" She said with a smirk.

"She's here?" I asked reluctantly. If she was then I had to see her.

"Downstairs" She said smirking even wider, knowing I had to leave the two alone.

"Well in that case." I walked up to Nik and kissed him again, repeating my actions from before. He returned the kiss again this time although there was more longing in this one. He was getting bored of Genevieve and missed me. Oh, to be as greedy as he.

"Is that really appropriate for a party?" Genevieve said grumpily watching us.

"No, I suppose it isn't" I said as I pulled away from him. "Maybe I should take him to our bedroom, in our home. Too bad I'm busy."

"What are you playing at, Fiore?" Nik said in frustration, he liked where he thought it was going.

"I'm reminding you what you reminded me of when I was with a certain Gilbert boy." I took his face in my hands and gave him a long kiss like he had done back then. "I'll always be your number one love. Hear that Genevieve? Because anyone else will always be second place to me. Although I suppose a she-devil like you is more of a last place." I left the two of them alone and went to look for Davina. I let out a smile the minute I saw her in her adorable blue dress. But my smile soon turned into a frown as I saw her standing by the side awkwardly by herself, looking clearly upset.

"Davina, that's not how parties work, love. You talk, you dance, you drink, not look sad in a corner." I said smiling at her but she just chuckled sadly. "I was joking, trying to lighten up the mood, not upset you even more. Are you angry at me? Because I did think you were going to come back immediately, I really did and I tried to come see you but that bitch Genevieve— "

"No, no it's nothing like that." She said shaking her head and stopping me in my tracks.

"What is it then? Please tell me it's teen drama, I live for a good teen drama" I said smiling at her again.

"Monique." She told me with a frustrated sigh. "She has no idea what I went through when I was dead. The ancestors hated me for what I did with my magic. I can't just start practicing again. I knew I shouldn't have trusted Marcel when he told me to go back. I don't know how much more of it I can take."

"Well, not to advocate for Marcel but I do know that he loves you dearly. If you had only seen him when you died, he was absolutely grief stricken. He did everything he could to find the witch that had taken your place. If he's sent you back to the witches, then he did it out of love." I said squeezing her hand. "I know you'll be able to defy the odds. You always have."

"I don't know about it this time." She said almost in tears.

"Okay, if you really, really don't want to live with them, and believe me I don't blame you Genevieve is the worst, then you can come live with me, here."

"With Klaus? No thanks" She said clenching her fists.

"Fair enough" I chuckled as I opened up her hands and took them in mine. "I could get you your own place."

"You would do that for me?" She asked wistfully.

"Of course I would." I said beaming still. "But you have to promise me you'll give being a witch a chance." Although at that point I could have said anything at all but Davina had stopped paying attention to what I was saying and was flirting with a wolf from across the room. "He's cute"

"You think so?" She said still smiling at him. "It doesn't matter; he probably isn't interested in me anyway."

"Then why is he coming over here?" I stepped away from her, but stayed close enough to hear what she was saying.

"Hey." He began. "You look, um— "

"Nervous? Out of place? Short in this dress?" She said smiling and giggling nervously.

"I was actually gonna say gorgeous." The wolf said laughing. "I'm Oliver. So, what's the name of the girl I'm about to ask to dance?"

"Monique" Davina's former friend appeared out of nowhere and took Oliver's hand. "Her name is Monique." She smirked cruelly at Davina as the two walked over to the dance floor leaving Davina clearly upset as she stormed up to me.

"I told you he won't like me. Of course he likes Monique" She said sadly.

"He is an absolute dickhead. He was acting all cutesy with you and then a random girl comes and swoops him away. You can do better." I told her.

"Whatever." She said sadly.

"Not good enough." I used my magic and flicked Monique's skirt up in the air leaving her flustered and embarrassed as everyone saw her knickers.

"Was that you?" Davina said in shock.

"Me? Of course not! I'm an adult Davina, I don't engage in such petty behaviour" I said feigning innocence. We both burst out laughing as Monique ran away from the floor.

"Thank you Fiore" She said smiling at me. I winked at her and kissed her forehead before I left.

"No idea what you're thanking me for"

A/N: Davina and Fiore are my MOMTP. Like literally when I watched that episode and he was like huhuhuh okay I'll just dance with this rando, I was like ummmm no? What? Oliver, come here boy! Sit! Good boy! So dumb. Speaking of dumb. NIKLAUS MIDDLE NAME MIKAELSON, GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND JUST BE LIKE HEY FIORE, I LOVE YOU LET'S GET BACK TOGETHER BECAUSE FIORE IS BORED AND READY TO MOVE ON YO!

Leave a comment telling me who the dumbest person is in this series. I honestly cant decide bevaise they're all pretty stupid. I just wanna be like hey! hey! stop that! Oh well.

Vote, follow and spread the word about the series or your intelligence will become as little as everyone in this series!

hope you enjoyed, love you as always! X 

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