Chapter 27: February Funeral

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus stood in the middle of the compound with Sophie. She had a mapped laid out with Klaus's blood on it as they tried to locate Fiore and the baby. Rebekah stood in the background, nervously looking at the map. She looked even more nervous than Klaus did.

"What's taking so long?" Klaus grumbled.

"Here's the thing Klaus" Sophie said glaring at him. "Fiore is a very powerful witch. She cloaked herself and the baby. As if that doesn't make it hard enough, her magic is so much more than mine ever will be. I told you before, and I'll tell you again now, this is pointless. If she doesn't want to be found then she won't be."

"Fiore hasn't practiced magic in over a thousand years, her magic can't be that good." Klaus snapped back.

"Cloaking spells aren't hard. They're as basic as can be." Sophie said rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't help you."

"No, try again" Klaus said pushing the map towards her.

"Nik, maybe it's time we give up" Rebekah said walking forward and resting her hand on his shoulder.

"NO" He hollered as he shook her off. "We always give up, always! But when has that ever worked out in our favour? I'm not giving up, Rebekah. Not this time. Do it again Sophie."

"I'm sorry but I've got my own things to do." Sophie said as she packed up. "I was planning to have a February funeral but that ship has sailed. Excuse me." Sophie left and Klaus's eyes lit up when she spoke.

"I know where she is."

~Fiore POV~

I lay down and looked at the lights shivering slightly in the cold night. I looked up at the sky and sighed, I wished I was there in the sky, away from all the problems that I had down on the ground below. The sky was so beautiful, pristine, innocent and natural. All that I aspired to be.

"What are you doing here?" I asked the one person I didn't want to see.

"You didn't think I'd forget your birthday, did you?" Nik said as he sat down beside me and placed his jacket over me. He brought out a plastic blossom and gave it to me.

"I used to think I was only 1000 and something, Now I know I'm two thousand and something" I chuckled.

"And here I thought we were on level playing field." He said shaking his head.

"What are you really doing here Nik?" I asked sighing.

"You tell me"

"I didn't ask you to come here"

"No you didn't" he replied shrugging his shoulders. "But you went exactly where I knew you would go. And someone once said to me if you really want to be hidden, why hide exactly where I knew you'd be?"

"She sounds stupid" I mumbled.

"Oh believe me she is." He said nodding his head. "I went to Iceland first actually, but then I thought Sweden. I didn't know why, but I did."

"The lights are just prettier here I suppose." I said with a shrug. "I save it for special occasions."

"And today is a special occasion, for more reasons than one" He said grimly.

"How did you find out?"

"Camille explained."

"And you believed her?"

"No, I tried to kill her. But then Rebekah confirmed her story."

"You're terrible" I muttered.

"So are you" he said shrugging.

"Well at least you understand why I can't keep the child." I said looking away from him.

"I don't. I don't understand why you didn't tell me, why you want to do this, at this point I don't understand anything at all about anything you do" He said with an increase in his volume.

"Because Nik, we aren't good people, we don't come from a good family, you've had two children, both mistakes, and I killed both of them,"

"Actually the first was a joint effort" He said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you find this amusing" I grumbled. "Just another reason to add to the list of why we cannot be parents."

"I don't find it that amusing." He said as he stood up. He pulled me up and we started to dance. "Just a smidge."

"Why do we always end up dancing anytime we're here?" I said with a light chuckle.

"Who knows why we do anything?" He said as he spun me around.

"I'm not changing my mind Nik" I said looking away from him.

"You're looking at it all wrong, you know." He started. "Between us, we've had the worst luck when it comes to parents. That means we know exactly what not to do. We know not to treat our children like others, like they're less than. We know not to experiment on them and keep them locked inside a house. We can be the best parents this world has ever seen because we've had the worst parents this world has ever seen. We can be better. We will be."

"What about what happened with your child with Hayley?" I stumbled over my words, trying to remain calm.

"It was an accident. You didn't think it would pan out like it did but it still happened." He said looking down at the ground. "However, we can overcome that too. We've overcome everything that stood in our way before, we can do it again."

"But you're not the only one that's hurt." I said as tears started to brim in my eyes. "What about Elijah, what about Hayley? What if they see it as you replacing one child with another? What if when this child is born they think the same thing?"

~Hayley POV~

Hayley sat in her room on her bed looking down at her lap. She didn't know if she would have to leave now, if she wanted to leave at all. At first she was relieved, she didn't want to be a Mikaelson, especially not through Klaus. But then it dawned on her, she wanted to be a Mikaelson, but with a different one. Although after what happened today, she didn't know if he would ever accept her again.

"Hayley" Elijah said as he walked into the room.

"Hi Elijah." She said smiling brightly at him.

"I didn't expect to see you so chipper after your loss." Elijah said with a raised brow.

"Well I guess I'm just glad that I'm not carrying Klaus's Satan baby anymore." She said shrugging.

"I see" Elijah sat down on the bed next to her and rested his palm on her lap. "Fiore is gone, she left New Orleans. Although judging by my brother's disappearance, I'd say he's gone to find her. However, I assure you, I will never let her harm you again. I should have never allowed her to go along with her ridiculous plan in the first place."

"Elijah it wasn't your fault. Or hers, it was just a stupid accident" She said shaking her head. "And I'm fine, so you should be too."

"But Hayley— "

"No buts or ifs." She said interrupting him and placing her hand on his cheek. "If I'm going to have any sort of link with this family, it won't be through Klaus."

~Fiore POV~

"It doesn't matter what I do, my family will never approve anyway" He said with a shrug. "This can be our last chance, our saving grace."

"So you want to do this? Definitely? No take backs." I said staring intently at him.

"Yes I do." He said staring back. "And I want to do it even more now that I'm with you. One last thing."

Also what does Klaus have to say to Fiore??? What last thing Klaus? WHAT LAST THING???
Leave a comment telling me what you think it is! But until next week, see ya guys, love you all X!

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