Chapter 19: Levels of Infamy

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"Someone will die for this" Klaus said pacing around the compound with Elijah and the rest of the city's vampires surrounding him—Marcel excluded.

"For once, I agree; I would like to know where they learned such dark magic." Elijah said examining the bodies which had a very specific marking on their forehead.

"I had really hoped I would never see that wretched symbol again" I muttered worriedly.

"If I recall correctly, it is the signature of a fool who once stood against us." Klaus said still pacing about in a fury.

"It's just an upstart witch salvaging old tricks." Elijah said dismissively.

"Then I shall do to him as I did to the other" Klaus snapped before turning to face the other vampires. "Diego, when night falls, I want you to gather every vampire in the Quarter and get me the head of whoever did this, preferably on a stick."

"That's gonna be a problem." Diego said looking around at the others nervously. "Witches killing vampires has got everyone freaked out, man. Marcel made sure it didn't happen in a long time."

"Marcel has run off like a scared child, you lot are stuck with me. Now is there any one of you that will fight and defend their home?" Klaus said looking expectantly at them all. When no one came forward he rolled his eyes and continued. "Fine. If you're all too afraid, I'll handle this myself."

Klaus stormed off and Elijah and I knew that chaos was about to ensue—and he didn't even have my now very coincidental nightmare. We sighed simultaneously and Elijah turned to look at me and say what I already knew was coming.

"Fiore could you— "

"Already on it" I said as I followed Klaus out the compound.

"Blossom, I see you're here to put this to bed once and for all" Klaus said still making his way to the Cauldron. He barely glanced at me and I knew that he was already in one-track mind mode.

"Who else would keep you in line?" I asked as I followed his footsteps until we finally reached the cauldron where Sophie Devereaux was working.

"Well if it isn't the Big Bad Klaus Mikaelson" Sophie said as she saw him. "And the even Bigger and Badder Fiore Mikaelson."

"Well Nik, it looks like I've finally surpassed you in levels of infamy" I smirked. "Good for me, but Sophie, you picked the wrong time to irritate him."

Klaus picked her up by the throat. "Just when I wanted a witch to brutalize. I'm sure you could explain the attack on my men."

~Cami POV~

Cami stood in the restaurant, completely overpowered by her current predicament. The restaurant was in a mess, Fiore had quit and Sophie wasn't answering her calls.

"Guess I shoulda come last night" Marcel said as he walked in which immediately sent her into a panic. Cami immediately went for her pocket to bring her gun out but then remembered she left it at home when Fiore surprised her. She looked around for anything she could use as a weapon but there was nothing that could kill a vampire so she settled on an empty liquor bottle.

"Before you try anything, you should know that I'm on vervain now" She told the vampire, holding the bottle in a defensive stance.

"Oh yeah. Klaus said you broke free of his compulsion. Good for you. Seen Sophie?" Marcel said dismissively. "Got a witch problem, she's a witch. Thought she might have answers."

Cami shook her head and he grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and sat down on a barstool. He popped the cork and sighed before taking a swig from the bottle. No wonder Rousseau's health rating was only just satisfactory.

"Day drinking?" Cami chuckled. "Let me guess Klaus problems? I thought you'd be living it up now that you got Davina back."

"Davina's dead" Marcel replied bluntly. She suddenly understood what Fiore had meant that morning. And she was already certain she knew who it was.

"Klaus?" Cami said angrily. "I warned him that— "

"It wasn't like that" Marcel said sadly, cutting her off and dashing away her suspicions. "The power that she had was too much. We tried to fix her with this crazy-ass ritual, and something went wrong. Now she's...I don't know, floating in limbo, or waiting on her ancestors."

"I'm sorry" Cami said sitting beside him and patting his shoulder. She knew that Marcel and Davina were closer than anyone else. She was basically his daughter and while Cami knew what it felt like to lose a sibling, she had no idea what it was like to lose a child.

"Me too." His phone started to ring and he immediately declined the call. Klaus. Definitely this time.

"El Presidente?" She asked him, gritting her teeth. "Why are you loyal to him? Why is everyone loyal to him? Even good people like—"

"I guess you met Fiore huh?" Marcel said with a knowing nod. Fiore was just as infamous Klaus but people liked and respected Fiore, not feared her and Cami couldn't help but find that admirable.

"I just don't get it. Fiore is such a good person. She's nothing like him, but she's so deeply in love with him" She grumbled.

"Think of Fiore and Klaus like a balance. When one is bad, the other is good. When that happens, you're fine, one will drag the other out of the abyss. Rarely you get the both of them being good and everyone's happy." Marcel's eyes suddenly started to fill with fear. "But when both of them are bad, the world is in for a one-way trip to hell. And that was all before Fiore knew she could do all these things. We need those two together if we wanna make it out alive. Because I don't know about you, but I'm not making any plans to go up against an unstoppable enigma and her tyrannical hybrid husband any time soon."

"But why Klaus? What is it about him?" Cami said still unable to grasp why he was the one that people couldn't seem to shake. She despised him and she needed others to do the same if she was going to get away with her various plans to get back at him for what he did to her.

"For someone who claims to hate him, you sure ask a lot of questions about him" Marcel said raising an eyebrow at her. He was getting at her plan. She knew she would need him on her side one day, but today was not that day.

"Purely academic interest." She lied, trying to keep her veiled interest in him—well veiled.

"I know what you're doing. You're mad he used you, and you want to get back at him. Maybe you're hoping I'll let slip some chink in his armour. Friendly advice? Don't do that. It won't end well." Marcel told her but she was still unconvinced.

"Fiore would protect me from him, I know she would. We're best friends" Cami said confidently.

"And Klaus is her husband. She's known you for five minutes." Marcel said laughing at her and making her feel even smaller and helpless than she had already been feeling. "He will always be her number one priority. And when they're together, united as one front—they're untouchable. Fiore killed her father to be with Klaus. In fact, let me tell you a story, about a distant relative of hers that tried what you plan to do."

A/N: Papa Tunde and Fiore related...ooohhhhh, we are in for a doozy. Leave a comment, telling me what you think about it! And the chapter as well! Also please vote and follow me! Love you as always X

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