Chapter 15: Helper of Destinies

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~Klaus POV~

"Well if it isn't Caroline Forbes, look at you getting all muddied up in the woods" Klaus chuckled as he saw the resident Barbie girl of Mystic Falls.

"Klaus. Is Fiore with you?" Caroline asked as she looked for her friend. She was clearly disinterested in any interaction between the two of them. Even after he had helped her numerous times. Typical unwarranted ungratefulness.

"She's... around here somewhere. In a bit of a tizzy actually" Klaus said scratching his head. He was still worried about what Fiore was getting up to. "I actually came to ask if you'd seen her, though you evidently have not"

"Sorry." Caroline said shrugging her shoulders. "Besides, last I heard you and Fiore were on the outs, so you are not my problem. Plus, Matt's buried alive, so I don't really have time to chat either."

"Are you not the least bit curious as to why I'm here?" Klaus said smirking, knowing that she was.

"Fine, enlighten me" she said with reluctance, crossing her arms, as she quite frequently did.

"Damon informed me that Katerina Petrova took a positively tragic turn." He said still smirking to Caroline's disapproval.

"So, you're here to gloat over her corpse-to-be? Delight in the closure of five hundred years of revenge, even though she's your wife's friend? Great. I'm even less interested." Caroline started to walk away again when Klaus said something he knew she wouldn't be able to walk away from.

"Well perhaps you'd be more interested in talking about Tyler." Klaus said with a smirk.

Caroline became alert as soon as she heard the mention of Tyler. She snapped back around in a worry. "Is he...? Did you...?"

"Nah." Klaus said dismissively. "I sent him off with a little more than a bruised ego. He really does hate me, poor lad. eats at him. I even heard you two broke up."

"I made him choose. Me, or his stupid revenge fantasy. He chose wrong. I suggest that you learn from his mistake before Fiore finally wises up and does the same thing I did. Just let Katherine die in peace. Dying sucks enough as it need to rub anyone's nose in it."

~Fiore POV~

"Fiore, there's nothing you can do, I'm—"

"Don't even say it" I snapped at my sickly looking friend. "I'm going to save you, damn it, whether you like it or not."

"This is out of even your control" Katherine said shaking her head at me.

"Why?" I cried. "Everyone says it, I'm the most powerful being in existence so why can't I save you?"

"Because my time has finally come" Katherine said shrugging. "Not even Katherine Pierce can evade the inevitable."

"Yes you can! You have me! I'll save you, I can do it, I know I can. I'm a— "

"Witch, vampire, wolf, immortal, human, whatever else you are, but until you add destiny changer to your resume, you can't stop it."

~Klaus POV~

Klaus and Caroline were still in the woods where she was helplessly shouting out for Matt to help find her.

"Matt!! MATT!" She called out. At first Klaus found it amusing but it was beginning to get on his nerves.

"You know, while you've been vamping off in all the wrong directions, I heard Matt's distant and desperate screams." He confessed, rolling his eyes. "Don't worry, I've got it covered. Trust me, He'll be quite happy with his rescuer."

~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah finally finished digging up the safe and pried it open to be greeted by a panicked, but definitely relieved, Matt.

"I'm gone not three months and look at the trouble you're in." She teased as she pulled him out, both smiling broadly at each other.

~Fiore POV~

"So that's it? You're just going to give up?" I asked my friend in defeat.

"Of course not" She said, looking at me appalled. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve but if they fail, then at least I went out with like three people that didn't want me dead."

"Why not accept my help?" Katherine turned away from me with a slightly pained expression on her face.

"Only a vampire could find a friend in the wife of the man who killed her entire family." Katherine said with a wry laugh.

"Did you say, killed your entire family?" I asked her in disgust. I wished that I had heard her wrong but my husband was Klaus Mikaelson. Of course he had done something like that.

"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you didn't know" She chuckled. "Typical Klaus. He's here now, isn't he? To taunt his dying doppelganger."

"I'm so sorry Katherine"

"Don't be, they were kinda jerks" She said with a giggle. "You were there for me, even though I can be a Class A bitch, you still chose to see the good that no one else seems to be able to find. It's what you do, Fiore Mikaelson. Maybe you can't add changer of destinies, but you can add helper. You helped me, you helped Damon, you even helped Klaus of all people."

"I love you Katerina Petrova, you're a good person— "

"Let me stop you right there." She interrupted. "I'm not a good person, I'm a survivor and not even death will take that away from me, but I love you too. Now go away, I don't want you to see me when I'm even weaker than I already am"

I laughed and nodded at the ever resilient Katerina Petrova, leaving her to die as peacefully as she could.

Outside the door I saw Klaus and Rebekah waiting expectantly. I instinctively held my hand on the door handle so Klaus couldn't go in and torment her in her last moments. I used my other hand to slap him across the face, very deservingly.

"I probably deserved that" he said as he rubbed his red cheek. "Don't know what for, but probably did."

A/N: And thus the end of Katerina Petrova... for now at least. #Fiorina for life, I love those two as friends, and if you guys want, I'll do a bonus chapter of those two together kicking ass so leave a comment if you want that! Speaking of kicking ass, that slap AMEN delivered from God himself! Even Klaus knew that the slap was well deserved! Power to Fiore, always and forever! Anyways, this is it from me this week! Please dont forget to vote, comment and follow me! I always reply and follow back, and shoutout to my followers who have put me on to all sorts of great stuff to read, including those social media fanfics! I love them! And as always, I love you, see you next week! X

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