Chapter 46: One Last Pillar

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A/N: SURPRISE! EXTRA CHAPTER! (the saddest chapter in existence) BUT EXTRA CHAPTER WOO! JTF! JOIN THE FUN!

Elijah and I walked back into the compound where the vampires of New Orleans were standing around, along with Marcel who stood bravely. Because I hadn't done enough today already.'

"Is there a reason you remain loitering about my home? You should have run away by now. Especially since those were my very strict orders Marcel." I said glaring at him.

"Yeah well this is my town." Marcel answered. "And I'm here to settle the score with Klaus here, in front of my people."

"Right" I said scratching my head. "And what if I'm angry about your actions? After all it was me that was impaled on an enormous block of wood. Do you plan to face me, also?"

"If you want to kill me then fine. Get on with it" He shot back.

"Oh gladly." I picked Marcel with my magic and threw him against a wall. He groaned in pain and I walked up to him and started to collapse his insides together. Blood started streaming out from his ears but Elijah stopped me.

"Good evening." He said to the vampires. "I trust I need no introduction. After all, this was once my family home. Tonight I'm taking it back. Your privileges here have been revoked."

"Plot twist" I said smiling as he turned to face Marcel.

"Marcellus, out of respect for my sister, I will grant you this one mercy. I will allow you to keep your life."

"I didn't agree to that." I said angrily.

"Yes but you see Fiore; Marcel here wants to die. I will not allow him such an honourable death." He said glaring at him. "No he is hereby exiled, that is an appropriate punishment for him. If I so much as find a trace of you in the French Quarter, it will not end well for you. As you can see Fiore already wants to give you a tormented death. Do you understand?" He looked around at the crowd and they all nodded. "Good. That is all, run along now."

The vampires started to trail out of the compound leaving Elijah and I alone. I looked at him in complete awe and shock.

"The noble Elijah, showing such wickedness?" I said tutting as I walked up to him.

"Fiore I would prefer that we not quarrel again" Elijah said straightening out his suit.

"Neither would I. I'm not going to scold you Elijah. In fact, I'm impressed. We only quarrel so much because you condemn Kol, Klaus, me, whilst seeming righteous when in fact you are no better than any of us. But now, you're showing your true self, in fact you're beginning to sound like Nik" I told him. "Careful Elijah, we might make a Klaus out of you yet."

~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah and Marcel were stood in front of where Esther's body was buried in the back garden of the plantation.

"I was thinking, my mother was consecrated and buried here. She is forever bound to this land, but not me" She smiled. "I'm free. Finally. As are you"

"Your siblings came in this town like they own the place. Like they own me. Took my home, my people, everything. I can't just run away." Marcel said shaking his head.

"I wouldn't ask you to." She said looking at him. "I'm not a fool. I know how much you love this city and I'm not a girl who likes to share. I do wish you had finished building our home. Even if I'd never set foot inside, it would have been nice if there was something beautiful left standing after all of this." Marcel brought her face up to his and kissed her for what would be the last time.

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