Chapter 29: Genie With A Baby

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A/N: No song yet, cant think of one, leave me a comment if you think f one.

"Okay Marcel, are you alright with today's plan?" I asked him as we got ready to go to the reopening of the church. I was dressed in my favourite high tea dress whilst Klaus and Marcel had opted for a more casual manner, despite my consistent barrage of pleas for their Sunday best.

"Yes" he said nodding.

"I'll repeat it just in case because you're quite slow. Sorry" I said quickly. "I'm not. Sorry again, not really. I'll just say the plan, shall I? Okay, you stay as far away from me as possible, you do as little as you can to annoy me, and you watch my hands just in case I snap your neck telekinetically."

I was doing my best to stay neutral around Marcel, but all the while my mind swarmed with deadly thoughts. If we set up plans to stop me, hopefully we would be able to prevent any nasty encounters.

"Got it. Klaus will sit in between us, I won't annoy you, and I'll watch your hands" he said nodding assuredly.

"Just out of curiosity, how many ways have you found to kill him in this room alone?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"312, although most are variations on other ways." I blurted out with a shrug. I was slightly impressed.

"Isn't it great being me?" Marcel grumbled as he left the room.

"I promise I'll find a way to undo the spell" I called out to him as he left.

"Careful love, you're pregnant, can't stress yourself out too much granting wishes." Nik said as he took my hand and led me to of the compound and into the car.

"I need to be as good as I possibly can. This child has enough enemies to worry about, I can't gain anymore." I said with a sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"What? Nothing?" I said with an innocent smile.

"How about we just skip to the bit where you tell me the truth?" Nik said rolling his eyes at me.

"Fine" I huffed. "What if I hate this child too? It's possible, right?"

"Isn't that a question best asked to your father?" He replied with a furrowed brow.

"I'm avoiding him. Last time we talked—well it was tough. I really wish you hadn't asked me that, because he's more than likely here right now, listening in." I said folding my arms.

"If you don't want to ask him, then I'm not worried." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay, well I'm going to need you to explain the logic of this conclusion of yours." I asked him, confused by his answer.

"Blossom, you care about that child. If you were really worried, you would have immediately talked to your father about it." He said smirking at me.

"I hate how well you know me." I pouted as we entered the church.

The church was decorated beautifully and Father Kieran was beaming from ear to ear. It had been a while since the church was open to visitors, ever since the massacre occurred, one that I now know was done by Cami's hexed twin brother. Klaus, Marcel and I sat down in the pews, Klaus in between Marcel and I of course.

"Thank you all for coming. It means more than I can tell you. We gather today for the first public service of our newly reopened church. St. Anne's can finally once again be the heart of our community, where we can congregate as a people united. Here, this hour, we come together to praise God and give thanks. The events that took place at our church were tragic." Kieran had continued to address us however I couldn't concentrate between Marcel's fidgeting and Nik's childish giggles.

"Am I missing something?" I said glaring at the two of them.

"No" Marcel said quickly.

"I beg to differ" Nik said still giggling. "I think Marcel's found a pretty girl he fancies"

"Well, Marcel I'm sure you can talk to her after the service." I scolded "And you Nik can stop giggling like a child! Can't you both act with some respect, for today at least?" I snapped.

"Oh yes, I forgot to say, Fiore is a church goer now so—OW!" Nik yelped as I twisted his ear vigorously.

"Niklaus Mikaelson if you don't shut up right now I will kill you in front of all these people." I said staring into his eyes. "Now pay attention, both of you!" He pulled away from me and sat down properly, pouting throughout the rest of the service.


"The sermon was absolutely lovely Father, very inspirational, even if these two didn't properly appreciate it" I told Kieran, as Nik, Marcel and I left the church after the mass.

"I didn't think you would be joining us" He said looking at us in confusion.

"Well my wife might have been here to actually enjoy the service, Marcel and I have business." Nik started. "We were hoping for some information on our missing killer witch."

"My guys have their ears on the ground. No one has seen or heard any sign of whatever his name is." Kieran said quietly.

"He's called Papa Tunde, and he's dilly-dallying around the Quarter with the power of every soul Marcel kept in his little chamber of secrets. So I would suggest you keep your ears much closer to the ground." I told him sternly. Papa Tunde was not a mere joke. He was a force to be reckoned with and if you were not on his side then you needed to put him down.

"That's one idea" The priest said, pretending to think about it. "Another idea is that I stay as far away as possible from whatever war you guys are involved in before I— "

"I came to congratulate you on getting the church up and running." Cami said as she strode up to the four of us and addressed her uncle. "I can see this is a bad time though. Nice to see you Marcel and glad to have you back Fiore. Congratulations on the child, you'll be a great mother. If only it had a better paternal role model." She glared at Klaus before leaving the four of us, causing Kieran to also give Nik a hard look.

"Don't look at me" He scoffed. "I tried to get her to leave."

"You also tried to kill her" I reminded him.

"I rescind." He said as his phone began to ring. "Excuse me" He stepped away to answer the call and when he came back he looked a tad bit troubled.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'll explain later" He said taking my hand and gesturing for Marcel to follow. Cue more Mikaelson drama.

A/N: Marcel and Fiore trying to make amends, rooting for those two cuties man! Leave a comment telling me what you think and vote and follow me for more! Love you as always! X

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