Chapter 18: Shirking Duties

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Klaus entered the courtyard full of the New Orleans vampires with Thierry beside him. I watched everything from atop the balcony and smiled at him and he winked back. I giggled as I looked down at him with his shirt inside out, unbeknownst to him and hopefully to the rest of the vampires.

"Your attention please dear brethren." Klaus said beaming at all of them. "No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the Garden for the crime of killing one of our own. My wife decided to issue him with a pardon, as a gift to you all—Marcel in particular. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry" Marcel looked up at me in confusion and back at Klaus.

"You two are in a good mood, you should visit Mystic Falls more often" Marcel said wryly. Klaus and I smirked, both knowing Mystic Falls had nothing to do with our mood today.

"Yes, yes Mystic Falls. I'm sure we'll go to Mystic Falls very often" Klaus said winking at me once again. "But at this particular minute, we have much more pressing responsibilities. Now as many of you have figured out, it was not Davina that we were keeping locked inside a room, it was Fiore. Davina is, in fact, no longer with us. Which means we no longer have the ability to monitor the activity of our unfriendly neighbourhood witches but since their harvest failed, it means that very soon now their magic will be lost forever. Until that time comes, let's keep them on their toes, shall we? Diego, would you like to lead a cauldron roust?"

Diego smiled and the other vampires cheered. They started to plan together and work out fun little strategies for their little bullying party. Personally I hated things like this, but I can't say I really cared all that much. Apparently, neither did Marcel as he took a bottle of scotch with him and made his way to the door.

"I had hoped you'd join Diego and friends in the rousting of the witches" Klaus told Marcel.

"No thanks. I'm taking a personal day." He pushed past Klaus and scowled at him as he did. I sighed as I jumped down from the balcony and pulled Marcel into one of the rooms in the compound. He was gonna get a talk from me now.

"Marcel, I think it's time we have a chat." I closed the door and turned around to face him with an exasperated smile on my face. I was in no mood for silly pity parties.

"I suppose we did miss all those years of uncomfortable mother-son chats" He sneered. All of a sudden and uncontrollable anger boiled up inside me. All I could think about was how ungrateful he was, how many plots he had planned to kill me with, how scared I was now that we were alone and he could act out on his schemes.

"You would say that to me? Your own mother? Even after all the things I've done for you? Just today I brought your friend out because I wanted to make amends with you, yet you talk to me like this?" I asked sinisterly. I splayed out my hand and snapped his neck with magic. I looked down at him and thought about what my father would have done. What he would say to me right now. It was then I heard the voice I knew I couldn't possibly be hearing.

"Fiore you shouldn't have done that"

"Who is that?"

"You know who it is, Fiore"

"Whoever it is, I am the wrong person to play tricks on" I sneered in a panic.

"It's me Fiore. Your father." I gasped as the voice confessed but I stopped again.

"No, you're dead. I buried you. I killed you" I said in disbelief.

"I know; I was there the whole time" He said. "I know you heard me that day."

"It was you, you're the one that said thank you. I was thinking about what you would say and then I heard you. Like today" I said coming to the realisation of the connection between the two events.

"Exactly. I'm on the Other Side, you can read minds. You're just reading my mind right now" I gasped and he chuckled. "You know, I've been watching you Fiore, the whole way through and I'm proud."

I started to tear up but still smiled through the tears. "I don't think you know how long it's been since you've said something like that to me. I'm sorry, for killing you I— "

"No. You were right to do so. I was a terrible father. And I'm sorry, and I'm also sorry about what happened to your son." He said sighing.

"What do you mean? It had nothing to do with you, it was him, he disgusts me." I said glaring at Marcel on the floor.

"When I died, I punished you. The spell I said, would make the feelings that I had for you at the time pass on to someone you love. I thought it would be your husband, or his siblings but since you had a child..."

"It passed on to him." I clamped my hands onto my mouth and began to cry.

"I am so sorry Fiore."

"Go away" I mumbled.

"Fiore I can— "

"I SAID GO AWAY" I screamed and suddenly Silas's voice disappeared. "Get up Marcel" Marcel immediately got up and started rubbing his neck in pain.

"You killed me" He said hurt and confused by my actions.

"I know" I started to sob. "And I'm sorry, but I can't see you right now"

"WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" He yelled. And I couldn't blame him, but there was nothing I could do.

"My father cursed me, to hate you." I said wiping away my tears. "Every time I see you, I want you dead, I want to kill you."

"Fight it Mother!" Marcel pleaded as he grabbed my hands. "For me!"

"No!" I pulled my hands out of his and glared at him. "Why would I ever fight for someone like you? Look at you. This mournful attitude of yours is just boring. Just wallowing in sorrow for your lost little friend."

"What's going on in here?" Klaus asked as he entered the room.

"Just Marcel shirking his duties and pouting like a child" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Marcel" Klaus said walking up to him. "I am sorry Davina is gone, okay? I'm sorry, but if you act like this then the other vampires are likely to do the same."

"Do not push me!" Marcel said pointing at the two of us and glaring.

"Guys we got a problem" Diego said as he entered the room.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "When do we not?"


Ugh this was a hard chapter to write. I feel so bad for both Marcel and Fiore, because they both love each other but because of Silas's curse, she has to hate him.

I hope this explains why Fiore's been uncharacteristically hostile towards Marcel. On the bright side. we got a bit of Silas action, which I love.

I hope you guys still enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment telling me what you think! I always reply and I also always follow back! I'm done for this week so until next Tuesday, as always I love you all! X

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