Chapter 61: Answers And Cooperation

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I joined Elijah in the study and saw him overlooking the balcony, trying to clean himself up. He was tired, as was I. Kieran had died, I still hadn't told Nik about the envelope and that's not even close on the stress scales to the attacks on Hayley and the wolves.

"I heard you had a particularly trying day." I said with a wry smile.

"As did you." He said faintly.

"First Marcel's massacre, now bombs in the Bayou. Elijah, the rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined. These tribes, these factions—they're families, families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home." I told him disappointedly.

"We have to pick a side. And if I'm to choose then—" Klaus walked into the room and Elijah stopped talking as he joined us.

"Seems I have Hayley to thank for you change of heart." Klaus told him.

"If this alliance with the wolves is to succeed, then here" I said as I handed him the grimoire. "But I want in, on every little detail."

"And I will grant you that. I promise" He told the two of us earnestly.

"Now we just have to plan for a victorious emergence." Elijah told the two of us. "Excuse me."

"So want to tell me where you were when Kieran was trying to kill Camille?" He asked me.

"The doctor performed a sonogram." I told him as I pulled out the envelope. "Here's a photo."

His eyes lit up as he saw the picture, his smile was so broad I couldn't help but smile myself. He was going to be such an amazing father.

"It's beautiful." He said almost astounded. As he spoke I pulled out the letter that was tucked neatly inside the envelope.

"She. She's beautiful."

"Both of them?" Nik said looking hopefully at me.

"Come again?" I asked in a worried confusion. "What do you mean both of them?"

"Blossom, there are two babies in this sonogram. We're having twins!"

~Klaus POV~

The whole of the French Quarter sat in St Anne's preparing for Father Kieran's funeral service. Klaus had arrived late and he was almost certain Fiore would kill him herself. However, when she saw him, she merely kissed him on the cheek and sent him to the casket, but when he looked inside it wasn't Kieran, it was the babies, his gorgeous, little baby girls.

"Hi there." He said with a smile as they cooed. "It's me your daddy." He leaned down into the casket to pick them up but as soon as he did, the sharp white oak stake pierced through his heart. Blood poured out of his mouth and when he turned, he saw none other than Mikael standing there grinning at him. He grabbed Klaus in a chokehold leaving him gasping for air.

"Greetings, boy" He sneered. "It's me your daddy."

He woke up in a start, gasping for breath, his breathing laboured. Fiore immediately sat up in bed beside him stroking his hair and calming him down.

"Nik, what's wrong?" she asked as soon as his breathing started to return to normal.

"I just had a nightmare is all." He told her dismissively, not wanting to worry her any further.

"Mikael again?"

"He killed me." He explained, and as he had predicted, she was worried. "There's nothing to be worried about, Mikael is dead."

"No offence Nik, but your parents seem to always find a way to come back to life. Tell me about it." She urged but Klaus could see that she was already so tired.

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