Chapter 12: Face The Devil Tomorrow

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I woke up in Davina's room with no Davina. I scrambled up and ran into the courtyard to find Rebekah and Klaus in disarray.

"Blossom, you're up" Klaus said when he saw me.

"Never mind me, if I'm up then that means my link is back in place, so can someone tell me how you managed to lose Davina? Again?" I snapped looking back at the two of them.

"Marcel took her" Rebekah grumbled. "He still doesn't believe in the harvest"

"Oh crap on a stick!" I muttered. "Any ideas on where she could be?" I looked at them who both looked at me idealess. "Grand"

"I'm with Sabine" I heard Elijah say through the phone. "We could try a locator spell."

"I'll go to the church." Klaus said as he got his jacket.

"And I'll go check everywhere else" Rebekah said with conviction.

"And am I supposed to just sit here like an invalid?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Preferably" Klaus said worriedly.

"We could actually use your help over here Fiore" Elijah interjected. "We've run into some trouble and could use an old witch."



I met up with Elijah who was with Sabine doing a locator spell. More failing at it actually, it couldn't be helped to be fair, Davina's powers were going crazy.

"Oldest witch, at your service" I said as I walked into the mausoleum.

"It didn't work" Sophie said in a fret as she stormed into the tomb.

"Bring me the bones." I told her and she obliged and laid them out in front of me.

"Here" I looked at the bones and inspected them, checking for any sort of magic in them.

"You're too late" I said as I stood up. "Someone beat you to it, her magic's already been taken."

"So what do we do?" Elijah said about as panicked as Elijah could be.

"Unless you know of some super-powerful dead witch whose bones were never consecrated, and whose living descendants own land, it's over." Sophie said as she pulled her hair in frustration.

"There is one I know of." Elijah said nervously. "One that goes by the name of Silas"

"HA" I said laughing sarcastically. "The only way I will allow you to do such a thing is over my dead body!"

"Do you have an alternative?" Elijah asked desperately.

"A certain Esther Mikaelson that Klaus keeps with him, perhaps?"

"All her descendants are dead!" Elijah snapped.

"Not all of them. She just so happens to have an unborn one." I said with a smile which Elijah gladly returned.

"Our mother it is."


"So it took a 1000 years to crack you, but you've finally gone mad!" Rebekah said in disbelief as her brothers and I sat in the mansion discussing our situation. "Let's say you consecrate her, give the child some land, we are vampires, we can't practice magic!"

"You can if you channel Sophie" I said shrugging my shoulders. "I'm kind of running out of patience before my next symptom starts to take effect."

"I don't care!" She panicked. "Our mother is one of the most powerful witch's in history, if we bury her then we give our enemies all that power!"

"Considering our current predicament" Elijah stated. "I hardly see that we have a choice."

"Why do I even bother?" Rebekah sighed in frustration. "The three of you will just do what you want"

"Not a democracy love" Klaus shrugged.

"Exactly, we're a family." Elijah said looking at the three of us. "The decision will be unanimous." Suddenly rain started to pour heavily and a powerful rainstorm began to take over us. I sighed and began to throw up water.

"Screw that" I mumbled. "We're doing this, Bex be damned." Klaus and Rebekah lay me on the sofa with a bucket in my hand ad Rebekah sighed over me.

"Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow" She muttered as Klaus went to get their mother's coffin. Rebekah left Elijah to watch over me whilst Klaus retrieved Esther.

"I know where Davina is!" She exclaimed as she returned.

"Then off we go." I started to get off the chair but Elijah put em back down.

"Fiore, you cannot leave in your state" Elijah said looking over me.

"Oh sod off" I said rolling my eyes. "Do you really think Davina is going to answer anyone of you that isn't dying? Didn't think so. Lead the way Rebekah."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading this! I actually really enjoy this part of the series and I'm really excited for the continuation!

Get ready to take a trip down to Mystic Falls next week for a trip down memory lane and definitely one of my favourite moments in the entire enigma series!

Leave a comment and tell me what you think so far, any questions you have and also your predictions for what's going to happen next! And if you know of any competitions that I should enter, leave a comment telling me about it or nominate me in it.

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Love you as always and until next week! X

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