Chapter 51: Everything I Aspire To Be

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~Klaus POV~

Klaus had spent the entire night watching over Fiore from the balcony. She was so graceful and effortless, smiling at everyone and talking to them all. She hadn't shown him a genuine smile in over a month, he had been so stubborn, determined to win the game, determined to not relent first. He had been lost in thought and eventually lost track of her. His eyes darted about the lower floor for her when Genevieve strolled up from behind him.

"Looking for your baby mama?" Genevieve asked him angrily.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous of her, love." he said still looking for his estranged wife.

"Why would I be? You two are through. I'm just curious as to what you see in her. She's just so..."

"Perfect? Beautiful? Amazing? Everything I aspire to be?" Klaus caught himself smiling when Fiore walked up to them with a smug look ingrained on her faith.

"She's a welcome respite." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"I thought I was your respite." Genevieve said glaring at him. Klaus knew if he just confessed to Fiore then their feud would be over and done with, but he couldn't bring himself to cave in first.

"Well, you are. You are." He said stroking her cheek. "You have nothing to worry about. Fiore and I are a thing of the past" Klaus saw Fiore's face look pained momentarily before she hid behind a masked facial expression. Seeing he had hurt her meant he was winning, but he didn't really feel like he was.

"If that's so, then how about I compel you to tell your true feelings about me to your so-called respite?" She said angrily. Klaus hesitated knowing that if Fiore did so, his true feelings for her would come to light and he would lose everything.

"You're hesitating Nik" Genevieve said with a wince in anger.

"I just don't believe Fiore won't try and trick me into saying what she wants me to hear" He said trying to manoeuvre out of it.

"It's just a simple compulsion Klaus" Fiore said smirking. "It sounds to me like you're just trying to cover up what we all know is the truth." She winked at him and walked away leaving Genevieve glaring at him.

"You were dodging" She said angrily. Klaus didn't have time to alleviate her jealousy, especially when it was a righteous one. Plus, in the corner of his eye he had noticed someone he had to talk to.

"Please, not another thought about Fiore. I have to go, excuse me." He left her and followed his guest into one of the upstairs studies.

"So is this where the great Klaus Mikaelson says something poignant, and snaps my neck?"

"I'm not here to kill you Jackson." Klaus said with a chuckle. "I'm here to offer you a gift."

"Out of the kindness of your vampire heart?" The wolf scoffed.

"Our hearts are more similar than you might realise. You see, long before I evolved, mine beat as a werewolf. I know your power. I know your burden. I'm here to take the latter away." Klaus told him.

"You plan on making me a hybrid?" Jackson asked in disgust. "Sorry but I put my pack first and becoming a bloodthirsty vampire parasite compromises my entire family line."

"That pride, that sense of loyalty? Well, that's exactly why I haven't snapped your neck yet. I want to give you back the city that was taken from you." Klaus said trying to convince him.

"And I'm supposed to trust someone that's conspiring behind his brother and his wife's back?" Jackson said appalled.

"I'm guessing you don't know the truth about Fiore's lineage." Klaus said smirking. "I don't think I give Hayley enough credit sometimes. And as for Elijah, I'm not undermining him, I'm supporting his vision. Vampires destroy life to survive, witches are only as powerful as their dead, but the werewolves have thrived because their strength comes from familial unity. The safety of that unity is what I want for my unborn child. The painful truth is; vampires are the antithesis of unity."

"And after a thousand years, you're finally ready to embrace your other half?" Jackson said sarcastically. "Maybe we don't want you."

"But you will when you return to the Quarter." Klaus pushed past Jackson smugly knowing he had finally grasped his attention. He pulled out a wooden box from his desk and smirked as Jackson's curiosity took the better of him.

"You got a plan to achieve this vision?" Jackson asked him.

"Have you seen this ring before?" Klaus asked as he pulled out a moonlight ring missing a stone.

"Yeah, Hayley has a similar one." Jackson said with a shrug.

"My mother was a very powerful witch. I watched her craft all manner of magical items, but her most prized possession was this ring." He said examining it. "I hadn't seen it for 1,000 years, and then it turned up hanging around the neck of a werewolf—a direct descendant of my biological father. I believe she gave him this ring as a way of freeing him."

"How so?"

"Daylight rings shield vampires from the sun. So, why not a moonlight ring to protect werewolves from the curse? Think about it! No more breaking bones, no more losing control to the beast within." Klaus thought this would be the final thing to convince him but Jackson still had a few qualms.

"And where would Hayley get one?" Jackson asked him.

"From a witch with blood ties the Crescent Wolf pack." Klaus told him.

"And who would that be?"

"None other than Fiore Mikaelson. Your rightful queen."

"Yeah right" Jackson scoffed. "First off, your wife is a vampire, not a witch. Secondly, Hayley and I are the Alphas. We inherited it from our parents, who in turn inherited it from theirs— "

"Who's ancestors appointed as leaders." Klaus said cutting him off as he pulled out his phone and showed him Fiore's birthmark. "This is the same birthmark as yours but with the three little etchings that signify alpha, royalty, queen. I'm sure you know about that legend as well as I do."

"Hayley would have told us." Jackson said looking at the picture in disbelief.

"Well she didn't."

"Fine but that just makes her a hybrid. Not a witch." Jackson said clinging onto the last thing he had to take down Klaus's plan.

"Let me tell you a story about the all-powerful Enigma."

A/N: Klaus is seeing the error of his ways and people say there isn't a God, Amen, Hallelujah! Klaus be smart and wise up and realise that literally the most amazing specimen on the planet is in love with you and you, her so get this show on the road! Also Klaus spilling the tea to Jackson, oh snap Hayley, you busted girl.

Leave a comment telling me what you think Klaus will/should do to get Fiore back! Big grand gesture or small heartfelt gesture? Your comments can decide this because iIm re-writing how they get back together, so gimme your ideas yo!

Also vote, follow and spread the word about the enigma series or you'll be destined to be a Genevieve--damn.

Hope you enjoyed this! Until next week, which starts with one of my all time favourtie chapters! Love you as always!  X

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