Chapter 14: Magical Disease

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I woke up in Klaus's bed and saw him sitting beside me and clutching my hand. I blinked a few times ensuring my surroundings were safe and also wanting to momentarily linger in his hold. But every second I spent there, was a second closer to me taking him back as mine once again.

"What the bloody hell happened?" I asked him, pulling my hand away from his and saving myself from further heartbreak.

"You don't remember? You died, it's been about month. I brought you here to look after you" he said looking at me with relief. "You woke up every now and then but you were still suffering from Davina's magic ailment."

"I don't need you to do anything for me" I snapped. "You could have just as easily have dropped me at home with Camille but of course you had to be the hero"

"It's not about that Blossom, it's about me not wanting you to die!" He was searching for even a smidge of forgiveness in me. A smidge of forgiveness that I didn't have to offer.

"Of course it is" I scoffed. "I'm immortal I can't die, don't get into a tizzy" I got off the bed but staggered as soon as I did. Klaus rushed over to save me and I pushed him away.

"You're still too weak, you need to go back to bed."

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME" I clenched my fist and gave him a piercing headache with my pain infliction spell but despite the immense pain he was in, he still tried to push through and help me. I snapped his neck telekinetically and stumbled out of the abattoir. However, in my weakened state I was slow and I knew he would catch up to me with ease. I had only just made it outside when Klaus appeared in front of me and stopped me.

"Klaus don't make me kill you in a more permanent way" I said, my eyes still throwing daggers at him.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

"As many times as it takes for it to stop hurting!" I snapped. "And I know it will stop because as much as I want to stop loving you I can't. You are bad for me, you hurt me and I know it but I still love you unconditionally and I don't know how to stop it! You say I have a magic affliction or whatever but the only magical disease I have is how I feel about you. So that's how many times."

"Then I'll say it again and again till it stops. Don't you see the symmetry to your so called magical disease? I'm supposed to be ruthless and taking care of my kingdom! That should be my number one priority but the second you're in trouble, I drop it all and save you! And you are immortal, there is nothing that will ever kill you, and even if someone should fashion a weapon to use against you, you also have the added bonus of being the most powerful being in existence, The Omnipotent Enigma! And despite my knowledge of that, here I am, dedicating the last month of my life to making sure you're okay. So maybe you're the one that's bad for me. But I don't care, because I love you and living without you isn't a life I want to live. It is not an option. I've loved you for a thousand years and I'll love you for ten thousand more. I'll love you until time itself ceases to exist, so I'll apologise until you stop hurting because I need you. Whether I like it or not. You may never forgive me, but I will never stop begging for your forgiveness, I promise that I will never hurt you again, I will never let anyone hurt you ever again because I love you, and I'll never stop. So I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for every time that I've hurt you, I'm sorry for every time someone else has hurt you and I wasn't there to stop it. And more than anything else, I'm sorry that you love me."

I stood out there staring at him, unsure how to move forward. I wished that he was lying but more than that, I wish I could take him back in that second. In that moment, I wished I was strong enough to forgive him for the transgressions that he had committed against, for more than just my sake but I wasn't. And I hated that, I hated that I was still hurt and there was nothing that I could do about it. And all those feelings, coupled with my heightened emotions only seemed to cause the weather to retaliate. Rain started to pour down on the two of us and I immediately started to shiver.

"Look what you've done now" Klaus chuckled. He immediately knew that the rain was because of me. He knew me all too well. "Let's get you inside, there's a lot to catch you up on." Klaus led me back into the compound and I smiled as he caught me up on all the things I had missed until he mentioned Davina. She still hadn't come back and no one seemed to know why. I hadn't been able to save her.

"And one last miniscule detail, Katerina Petrova is dead" He said with his eyes full of glee. Life was so meaningless to him. But Katerina was my friend and I should have been there to save her.


"Well not dead, but nearly there" He shrugged. "She's in Mystic Falls awaiting the inevitable." There was only a sliver of hope left for her, but that sliver of hope was enough for me. I hadn't failed her, there was still a chance for me to save her.

"Then why are we here?" I asked as I stood up and packed what was left of my belongings. "We have to go; I have to save her."

"I don't think you do" Klaus said in shock. He couldn't understand why I had to do this. Maybe he didn't know me as well as I thought he did.

"Yes I do. I'm going, whether you come with me is of your own volition, but I'm going."

"You can't go in the state you're in, Blossom" Klaus said as he tried to sit me back down and stop me from saving her.

"No" I shrugged him off of me and faced him determinedly. "I can't—I can't lose another person I care about. Not again."

Klaus nodded and sighed knowing he couldn't change my mind. "In that case, to Mystic Falls we go."

"I do hope you weren't planning a trip without me?" Rebekah smirked as she entered my room.

"Does Elijah want to come? We can make it a family affair" Klaus said sarcastically.

"Why aren't we going?" I shrieked. "Katherine could die any minute, we need to go now, we should already be there, we—"

"Calm down Blossom." Klaus said putting his hands on my shoulders to stop me shaking.

"We'll go now" Klaus, Rebekah and I drove to Mystic Falls with me in silence and Rebekah and Klaus making idle chit chat. The two of them kept bickering mindlessly about Rebekah's extra passenger but I couldn't care less. I just wanted us to get to Katherine before the Mystic Falls Misfits got their hands on her.

"We're here" I immediately perked up upon our arrival and jumped out of the car.

"Be careful Blossom!" Klaus called out as I did. I stopped in my tracks as I found out what he was really thinking.

"You're lying to me." I looked back at him, unable to decipher whether I was feeling upset or angry. I was only able to grasp that he had hurt me. Again. "You're here because you want to kill Katherine, not save her. You want to enjoy her death."

"Did you read my mind?"

"Of course I did because I can't trust you!" I snapped back at the surprised vampire. "Thank goodness I did." I sped away and ran into the house. I made my way to Katherine, paying no mind to the rest of the people in the house.

"What are you doing here Rey?" She asked as she lay weakly in the bed.

"I'm here to save you" I said nodding. "Not one more of my friends is going to die, not anymore."

A/N: The scene with Klaus and Fiore when she wakes up was definitely one of my favourites to write! I love it so much and I love these two so much. It's also quite of a mellow one considering all the drama that's about to befall this family!

Please, vote, follow and also comment on what you think is gonna happen next! Hope you enjoyed it and as always love you! X

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