Chapter 8: Meet My Husband

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"Fiore, come down will you?" Rebekah asked me as I waited at the entrance to the garden.

"No, Klaus is awake. I'm going to stop him from killing any other people." I walked away and Rebekah called out to me.

"Welcome back Fiore, us girls have to stick together" I couldn't help but smile as she said those words I had first heard centuries ago. It amazed me to see how far she had come from being Klaus's little lackey.

"Oh look at you, poor sods" I chuckled as the three of them awoke. "Taken down by a 16-year-old, bet that bruised your ego." Klaus growled and picked up his ringing phone.

"Davina is dying because of your treachery." I heard Rebekah say on the phone.

"Sorry I tried talking to her but she made it clear we are not friends." Klaus said nonchalantly.

"Just tell me how to cure her and the boy" Rebekah pleaded. "Vampire blood isn't working"

"Suppose it wouldn't. That poison was very potent. Just a matter of time" I flipped the phone out of his hand with magic and slapped him.

"They were children. You could have played fairly just once" I snapped but he remained unmoving.

"She stood against me and sealed her fate, it was her choice not mine" He said with a shrug. "Besides wasn't it just this morning you asked for me to kill her?"

"I said get the witches to do so. So she could live" I said as tears trickled down my face. I looked back at Elijah and Marcel who both looked appalled. "I'm guessing the two of you were not in on this plan?"

"Oh come on" Klaus said rolling his eyes. "The stench of your judgment is overwhelming. Need I remind you that Davina just bested the lot of us? I did what had to be done. Don't worry, Elijah. I remain as redeemable as ever"

"You disgust me" I kicked him and sent him flying into the wall. I dug the heel of my shoe into his chest slowly "She was just a child; they were both just children. You have no bounds to the torment you wish to cause. What if I did that to your child, hm? Your child stood against me, what if I just killed Hayley and the baby right now?"

"You wouldn't" He spluttered as he tried to talk with the blood filling up in his mouth.

"You're right" I said nodding. "Because I am not like you. Thank goodness for that." I pushed the heel right into his heart and killed him. But he would wake up, unlike Davina.

"She'll come back" Marcel said confidently. "I had a protection spell placed on her. She'll wake up"

"And the boy?" I murmured. Marcel hung his head low and I nodded, knowing where I needed to be. When she woke up and found him dead, she would be heartbroken. I ran all the way back to the garden but I was too late. I arrived and saw her crying over the boy's body, sobbing and shaking in sadness.

"Tim is dead because of me" She sobbed. "Bring him back, you can bring him back"

"Davina, he was a human" I told her sombrely. "I can't bring him back. He's found peace."

"No, no, no" She cried and cried and cried but there was nothing we could do about him. Not Josh, not Rebekah, not even me.

"There is one thing I can do, Davina." I knelt down beside her and took in a deep breath, what I was about to do was dangerous, but after seeing the pain he had caused her, I knew I had to try and make up for his mistake. "I can promise that no one will ever hurt you again."

"How? What are you gonna do? You can't kill them." She said still sobbing.

"But I can do the next best thing. I'll link us, anything that happens to you, will happen to me, so as soon as you're in the tiniest bit of trouble, I'll know and I'll stop it"

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