Chapter 9: Short Version Please

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"Did you just say your husband?"

"Yes Cami, I did" I answered whilst still glaring at Klaus. "Though not for much longer. So is that what you told Hayley then? That I was just a friend? Did you tell Cami because you wanted more illegitimate children?"

"Obviously not Blossom" Klaus said still pleading with me behind his confident exterior.

"Stop calling me that!" I snapped, I was tired of him weaselling his way out of everything. "Why then?"

"Because you're scared to trust anyone" Cami said speaking up for him. "You didn't talk about her much but it was always so obvious how in love with her you were, how— "

"STOP" I shouted. "I don't want to hear it anymore. Cami, go I'll catch up with you later." Cami nodded and left Klaus and I alone together.

"Do I get a chance to explain myself?" He asked.

"Fine. Go ahead."

"Take a walk with me."

"No. Either you tell me right here, or I go home and I never hear your pathetic excuse. Short version please." He sighed and nodded his head.

"The short version is she was right. I was too scared to trust her"

"Oh really?" I said rolling my eyes. "You were too scared to trust her with what is mostly common knowledge?"

"No, I was scared to trust her with the one thing that could ruin me. My love for you. I was scared she would find out about my one true weakness. You. "

"I am so tired of hearing this Klaus! I am so tired of hearing 'I made a mistake, I love you, I'm sorry'. I have listened to it on a loop for the better part of a 1000 years! Aren't you?" I cried.

"No and I never will" He rushed up to me and stared into my eyes earnestly but I'd truly had enough.

"Well I'm sorry you don't feel the same." I said as I shrugged him off me. "I can't do this anymore."

"I love you!"

"And I wish I didn't believe you but it doesn't change the facts. A life isn't supposed to last as long as ours and neither is a marriage." I was crying now, so much so I couldn't even see his face. I was glad, that would've been too much for me. "I don't want to do this any longer, I just can't."

"What are you saying Blossom?"

"I'm saying I'm not your Blossom."

I turned and walked away from him. I tried to wipe the tears away from my face but every time I did, they were just replaced by more. I walked and walked but I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know what I wanted, who I wanted to see, what I wanted to think. I had spent so long with him; I didn't know who I was without him. More than that—I wasn't sure that I even wanted to know. But I had said what I said, and I couldn't take it back.

~Marcel POV~

Marcel lay Davina on her bed and stared at her sadly. She looked so peaceful as she lay asleep but when she was awake, it felt like she was eternally tormented. Everybody was using her for their own needs and even Marcel felt like he was doing the same. He sighed as Elijah came in and joined him beside her.

"Do you think she'll ever trust me again?"

"I don't know" Elijah answered, honest as he always was. "However, that doesn't mean you should surrender the fight to reclaim it."

"I just wish I knew what I did to make her hate me so much. If I knew maybe I could get her to forgive me, maybe I could fix it, you know?"

"I have the feeling we are no longer talking about Miss Claire. I believe this is to do with Fiore's unwarranted ire towards you" Marcel shrugged and looked up at Elijah.

"Maybe." He looked back at Davina to avoid Elijah's honesty, as if looking away from him would shield him from the truth.

"Marcel, I might never say this again, so mark the date, but I think it would be best to listen to Niklaus." Marcel looked at Elijah in shock, when did Klaus ever make sound decisions? "He knows Fiore better than anyone does, his indiscretions with Hayley must have deeply hurt her and led her to relinquish her humanity and therefore her judgment is clouded only by her revenge."

"Then let's stop her!" Marcel couldn't understand why they would just let Fiore around if she was hell-bent on destroying them.

"How? How do you suggest we stop the most powerful being existence from doing what she pleases? The only weaknesses she had to her name was her father-deceased, Luna-deceased and Klaus—who as far as she is concerned is dead also." Elijah sighed and placed his hand on Marcel's shoulder. "Fiore will come back in her own time." Elijah took Davina's painting and began to leave.

"Thanks for today. With Davina" Elijah nodded in response and left. Marcel looked back at Davina and remembered how Fiore looked at her earlier—it was how she used to look at him. Fiore hadn't turned off her humanity and Marcel knew it; she had just given up on him. Marcel was as dead to Fiore as the rest of her weaknesses were.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it! Please vote and leave a comment on what you think! I mean, I don't know about you guys, but my heart breaks for Marcel right now, his entire world is crumbling, the poor lad! Also please follow me, I follow back!

And I'm so sorry I didn't upload on Tuesday, I have no other reason than I straight up forgot and I procrastinated yesterday, whoops... Don't worry next Tuesday I will be back to normal! Thank you for reading, love you as always and see you next week! X

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