Chapter 30: An Assistant Named Watson

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Klaus, Marcel, Elijah, Hayley and I were inside the Mikaelson compound examining the body of the now dead Papa Tunde. Elijah crouched down in front of the body inspecting it whilst Klaus and Marcel stood beside him. I sat down on a chair whilst Hayley took it upon herself to play with my hair.

"Can I get you anything Elijah?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. "A magnifying glass? A tweed coat? A pipe? An assistant named Watson, perhaps?"

"Well Fiore, if you have a theory to share I'd be glad to hear it." Elijah shot back grumpily.

"Back in the day when a witch wanted to threaten you, they'd kill a chicken and leave it at your doorstep" Marcel muttered still looking at the corpse in confusion.

"It's a rather large and ominous chicken don't you think?" I said rolling my eyes. It seemed like all the men in this house were in nonchalance mode.

"Here's what I am yet to understand. Papa Tunde defeated Rebekah with ease, almost got myself and Marcel." Klaus said, scratching his head with confusion wracking his brain. "So why leave your best fighter dead at the front door of your enemies?"

"Get this." Rebekah said as she strutted into the compound, her black books clacking as she hit the ground. "A girl literally exploded from a grave today when Sabine was giving a tour of the city of the dead. This girl, was Monique Deveraux"

"What?" Nik said giving Rebekah his full attention. One dead resurrected witch and one coming back to life.

"The tourists thought it was part of the attraction but the witches are celebrating like it's a bloody miracle!" Rebekah continued.

"Because it is" Marcel said, his eyes shining. "They thought they'd lost their last saving grace but all of a sudden a Harvest girl is resurrected. That's how we get Davina back, we kill the witch that took her place."

"One of them has to be Celeste, right?" Hayley said, letting go of my hair abruptly.

"Just when I was starting to think you were of no use to me" Klaus said smirking at her.

"Davina was warning us with her drawings. She was warning us about a great evil." Hayley continued, ignoring Nik.

"First Papa Tunde returns to tally up the scores, now Elijah's murdered lover is back. This isn't witches attacking vampires" Nik said shaking his head.

"The witches are declaring war" I finished for him.

~Rebekah POV~

Rebekah had been asked by Elijah to move Hayley away from the war that was brewing. She had only just left the room when she was yanked into an alcove by Marcel.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing Marcel?" She shrieked.

"I saw a resurrected witch with a vendetta of her own. Today at the church, I saw Genevieve" Marcel said somewhat scared.

"It can't be" Rebekah said worried about her own self.

"I can't be sure." He continued. "I only caught her out of the corner of my eye. Been with Klaus and Fiore since. But it looked like her. And you and I both know that she would have a reason to wanna be back. A lot of unfinished business, a lot of secrets that you and I don't want getting out"

"I have to take Hayley to the plantation." Rebekah said trying to calm herself down. "In the meantime, stay away from Fiore if she senses you're lying to her she'll go digging through your mind. You need to find Genevieve and end this. End it like we did before."

~Cami POV~

Cami was working her shift when she noticed her uncle stumble into the bar. She sighed angrily as he walked up to her. She was still to forgive him for lying to her and she was going to make sure she knew it.

"I'm busy" She grumbled.

"Cami, pour me a drink. I have something to tell you." She reluctantly poured her uncle a shot of whiskey but when he picked up the glass he fumbled, his entire body was quaking and he poured the drink all over himself.

"Uncle Kieran, what's wrong?" She asked as she dashed up to him in a worry.

"I've been hexed." He mumbled. "What happened to your brother is going to happen to me, and I don't know how long I have. I need you to promise that when it gets really bad, you'll be as far away as possible."

"No" Cami said shaking her head. "I know some people, they can help! There has to be an antidote or something! There has to be another way!"

"Of course there is" Cami turned to her left and saw a redheaded woman approaching her with a smile. "If you want to save your uncle's life, all you have to do is take this blade and make sure it ends up in Fiore Mikaelson's heart."

"She's pregnant" Cami said cowering away.

"I know" The woman continued. "But the baby will come to no harm, I assure you."

"She's my friend" Cami said in near tears.

"And he is your uncle. The decision is yours to make."

A/N: Cami is in a very sticky situation. The girl she kinda has feelings for #Camore or her uncle...

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