Chapter 41: The Winning Side

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I did a locator spell and wound up in the Layette cemetery. It was cold and dark and I was incredibly angry at whoever decided to carry out their vengeance here.


"No need, Niklaus will beat you to it." Elijah said joining me. "You were supposed to be watching him."

"I was" I mumbled. "But Nik is a complete twazzock, and I got mad. He knows she came back and now he's on the loose with a white oak stake. We need to find her and get her out of here. Or kill her."

"Celeste put a boundary spell on the graveyard." Elijah said furrowing his brow. "We're stuck here until the next moonrise."

"When I find that witch I'll— "

"Do nothing, she's already been taken care of." He said straightening his suit.

"Oh look at you Elijah." I said smirking at him. "Taking initiative."

"REBEKAH!" We heard Klaus yell. I dragged Elijah and hid behind a mausoleum. "Cherish the breath in your lungs. It'll be your last."

Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus were still trying to flee the city and hide from Mikael. Klaus carried me in his arms trying to feed me his blood so I would wake up.

"The final act of Le Grand Guignol is upon us! Where are my players? Enough running, children! Step out of the shadows so we can finish this tale of sorrows." We heard Mikael yell.

"He's coming, Niklaus." Elijah said trying to hurry him.

"She won't heal." He said, near tears again. I smiled up at him and feebly stroked his cheek with my hand.

"Marcel is gone" Rebekah said, the truth finally dawning on her.

"The three of you must flee the city" Elijah said looking at us. "You need to get Fiore away from here so she can heal properly. I'll hold him off Niklaus."

"No" he said shaking his head. "We fight him together, I'll take Fiore somewhere where she can heal and be safe."

"We cannot fight him" Elijah said putting his foot down. "All we can do is do what we've done. We deceive him. We lead him astray. Now, I can do that as well as anyone. You take her far away from here. I'll follow you."

"Elijah, no you can't" Rebekah said crying. "This is my fault. This is all my fault."

"No" Nik said wiping away her tears. "This is my fault, Rebekah. I am so sorry. I'm sorry. Marcel—I thought we'd found a home here." The Opera house exploded behind us and we watched as a fire truck siren blared. "Blossom, I—I'm so so sorry."

"Niklaus, please go. Sister." Elijah hugged Rebekah and kissed her on the cheek. He sighed and bent down to me, kissing my forehead. "You must leave. GO!"

Reluctantly Klaus and Rebekah agreed to go, with me lying helplessly in his hands. We disappeared into the night leaving Elijah alone to fend off Mikael and clean up the mess he had made.

"It had to be Mikael" I mumbled. "Come on Elijah, we need to find Rebekah before Klaus does."

We sped away walking past the crypts until we heard Rebekah's voice. "Elijah? Is that you?"

"Rebekah what the bloody hell are you doing?" I shrieked quietly. "You should be on the other side of the world by now!"

"We all know that wouldn't have been far enough!" She snapped.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Klaus bellowed when he found her. "She's mine!" His eyes turned yellow and the veins on his face started to come out along with his fangs, wielding a white oak stake. Elijah's eyes did the same with Tunde's blade in his hand and the blade began to shake. Rebekah's face began to match the others, and I sighed standing in between them.

"You all cannot be serious." I said in frustration.

"Fiore you must pick a side." Elijah sneered, not taking his eyes off of Klaus.

"Yes Blossom, choose. Either you stand with me, your husband or you stand with Rebekah, the person that almost had you killed by summoning Mikael." Klaus shot back. I flipped my hand and snapped all three of their necks.

"Or I can choose the winning side. Like I always do."

A/N: Fiore is killing it!!! Almost literally seeing as she snapped everyone's necks! What is she gonna do though? Because it seems like those three all have a death wish, only difference is the death they're gunning for.

Leave a comment saying what you think Fiore is gonna do! Also please vote, follow me and spread the word! Love you as always! X

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