Chapter 16: Future Negotiations

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"Give us a minute Rebekah" Klaus told his sister who was still in fits of laughter after seeing him get slapped but still, she left the two of us alone.

"Of course you're here. You have a dying girl you need to go punish for her sins, as if you haven't punished her enough" I snapped.

"I do" he said shrugging "But I won't, for you."

"So you came all the way to Mystic Falls, lying to me the whole way I might add, only to leave now because I said don't do it?" I asked sceptically.

"No I came to gloat over her death. I had many things to say—"

"Like taunting her over the loss of the family that you killed and then didn't tell me about?" I said glaring at him.

"Knew I deserved that slap" he chuckled. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that, I'm sorry I did it in the first place, but it's done and I can't change it. What I can do, is pardon her on your behalf."

"What do I have to do in return?"

"Blossom, Caroline gave Tyler an ultimatum—his revenge against me or his relationship with her. He chose wrong. I want to know, would you be willing to give me the chance to make the right one?" he asked me.

"I—I don't know." I told him nervously. I wanted to forgive him, but if I couldn't, I didn't want to give him false hope.

"Okay" He hung his head low, but he understood.

"You're not gonna kill her now, are you?" I asked him nervously.

"Of course not!" He told me in exasperation and I couldn't help but smile. He had given up his chase because of me, despite me not being able to agree to his terms. I went to leave but he pulled me back and kissed me.

"I'd like to say I'm sorry for that, but I'm not" he shrugged and kissed me again and I kissed him back. Might have been a tad bit inappropriate in front of a dying Katherine's room but it happens.

"We should go" I said as I reluctantly pulled away from him. She was my friend and I sort of owed it to her. She was dying, I had to do her at least one solid of not having to listen to Nik and I kiss outside her door.

"I suppose we should" he sighed, but nonetheless we left. We walked out side by side but he stopped me just out the front door.

"Blossom, I really am sorry." He said earnestly. "For everything" I kissed him on the cheek and nodded before entering the car. I didn't necessarily forgive him but I wanted to. I needed to, for more than just my sake.


Elijah, a police officer and the elite of the New Orleans community sat in the courtyard, having a meeting in regards to the rule of New Orleans. Noticeably without myself or Nik present. With good reason to be fair, Nik and I were trouble and it was no secret.

"Now Elijah, I know you weren't starting the proceedings without us" I said as Nik and I walked down the stairs, hand in hand.

"Of course he wasn't, Blossom" Nik responded. "My brother knows how much we enjoy these illicit little gatherings."

"Fear not" Elijah told the now concerned men as we joined them. "Despite their reputation, I assure you that your invitation here is to broker a deal peacefully. You have my word."

"And lucky for you lot, my brother always keeps his word." Nik turned to the two men that had just arrived and smiled in amusement. "Now you two are a brutish pack of thieves and killers from the Guerrera family"

"Oooh but that's nothing to what you become on a full moon is it?" I giggled whilst sitting on one's lap. "Not that your bite would do much to an Original. I hope your bark's a lot worse than your bite because conflict between us would not end well for you at all"

"Fiore!" Elijah snapped. "We do not aim to end in conflict of any kind so long as they adhere to our terms. Now please get off Mr Guerrera's lap, this is a formal meeting, behave like such"

"No fun at all is he?" I told the man as I went to stand beside Nik. "Noble Elijah strikes again. Go on, propose away"

"I shall" Elijah turned back to the men and proposed his plan. "My siblings and I control the ports of the city, but with Prohibition soon to be the law of the land, there'll be a certain uptick in the kind of federal presence we prefer to avoid. Therefore, I'd like to suggest a system whereby—under our supervision, of course—the Guerrera family can traffic alcohol into the city of New Orleans for a profit. We would still be in charge, but our rule would remain a secret."

"This all sounds good and well but how will this plan of yours benefit the witches?" A man walked into the room followed by two young boys, all three dressed in white.

"This is a private meeting" Elijah told the man.

"Yes for the kings and queen of the city." He said nodding. "But I am a very distant relative of the queen, does that not grant me a say?"

"You mean to tell me, that you and I are related?" I asked the man in shock.

"Yes, that is what I am saying. However, I am not here to trace my familial lineage. I am here to speak on behalf of my other claim to royalty" he said confidently.

"I'm impressed" Klaus told him. "You're either quite ambitious, or quite mad"

"But aren't we all?" I said smirking. "Do you have a name royal distant relative of mine?"

"I am Alphonse Bellatunde Delgado—Papa Tunde to my followers—and I come to ask that the witches be granted fair tribute for allowing your existence in our city." He said very high and mightily.

"Are you suggesting that you speak on the behalf of the witches of the French Quarter?" Elijah asked in surprise.

"I am" he answered. "And I expect our future negotiations to go very smoothly. As a guarantee, I brought a gift. I await our next gathering."

His twins placed down a gift wrapped box and I loosened the bow as everyone gathered around me, watching as I lifted the lid up. The severed head of the mayor was inside with a mystical carving on his forehead. Elijah sighed in frustration at his treaty plans going awry but Klaus looked on in amusement and smirked as he spoke up again.

"Looks like we'll be needing a new mayor"

I shot up from bed, clutching my stomach on instinct, and started to panic. My dreams being haunted by Papa Tunde is definitely low on my list of my list of wants.

"Blossom, what's wrong?" Klaus woke up and turned to check on me worriedly. I suddenly wasn't so sure of my plan to sleep in the compound that night.

"Nothing" I assured him. "Just a nightmare."

"Are you sure?" He asked me, clearly unconvinced by me.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll just go out for a bit." I said as I climbed out of bed in an attempt to rectify my mistake. "I have some errands to run"

"I'm sure they can wait Blossom" Klaus said in confusion. But there were so many things happening and I needed to be sure that I understood before involving him in it.

"No" I snapped. "It can't, I just—" I sighed before continuing again. "I never should've slept here in the first place"

"So you're still angry at me" Klaus said quietly. He was hurting. And it was my fault. But I also know there wasn't much else I could do.

"No, I'm not. I just have a lot to sort out right now" I left the compound without so much as a glimpse back.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this, please leave a comment and vote, I really appreciate it!

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