Chapter 52: A Queen For A Change

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~Cami POV~

Cami was alone in her apartment and reminiscing about all the fun times she had with Fiore over the three months she had known her for. She also couldn't help but blame herself for thinking she had actually meant that much to Fiore. Marcel had already told her, Fiore's main concern would always be Klaus, whether they're on or they're off. She would never be anything more than a friend to Fiore, and friends were disposable to people, let alone vampires. She was making herself another drink when she heard a noise that startled her. She immediately brought out her gun and aimed it at her visitor without hesitation.

"Easy, easy" Marcel said holding up his hands in the air. She sighed and put down the gun, knowing it was just Marcel.

"Julep? Minus the mint and sugar?" She said, offering him her drink. He took the drink but started to look at her with concern. He had obviously noticed the mark on her forehead from when her uncle attacked her earlier that day. Not even Fiore had noticed, of course she had a lot on her mind already but it was still nice that he cared.

"Hey. I just saw Kieran. He's not gonna hurt you again. In fact, he won't leave the attic at all. I arranged for a little boundary spell." He said with a comforting smile.

"You got a witch to help you?" She asked in surprise. "I thought they all hated you"

"For you, I found one who doesn't." Cami started to tear up at his words. It wasn't much to anyone else, but to her it meant everything. "What's wrong?"

"You're the second person to help me in a month and now the first hates me so I—" She said as a tear trickled down her face. "Kieran's the only family I have left. Without him, I'm alone."

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm a little short on family myself these days. Hey. If there's anything I can do, Cami, just let me know." Marcel said, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.

In spite of herself she turned to Marcel with a large grin and began to laugh.

"Well I'm all outta bourbon"

~Fiore POV~

I had spent most of the night on top of the balcony looking down at the ongoing party. After Davina had left, I realised just how alone I was. Elijah and Hayley danced, Hayley had her wolves, even Genevieve had Klaus, temporarily or not. Normally I would drink away my sorrows but this child was determined to stop my fun. I just wish something would happen, something even a little bit interesting. Klaus wasn't even with Genevieve anymore so I couldn't go and ruin their night anymore. He was standing beside Francesca Correra, the one who had taken it upon herself to take over the humans. I watched as Francesca made her way over to the bar where Diego and Oliver were bickering. Seems I should've paid more attention to the inherent tensions between the vampires and the werewolves.

"Please, boys. At least fight over something interesting. Me, perhaps?" Ugh, how cheesy. It didn't work in the end either as Diego was still livid.

"Nah, you don't want to get involved with his kind." He told her. A wolf had killed his sister and technically even him. That was how he became a vampire if my memory served. "See, they got this nasty little habit of going berserk and ripping innocent people to shreds."

"No, no, no. Okay? Look. If my people wronged you in any way, you have my condolences. Though I'd be surprised my kin could choke them down, being half as ugly as him." Oliver smirked at Diego which only infuriated the vampire even more. He picked him up and threw him at my favourite table, breaking champagne bottles and glasses. To think Elijah wanted me to bring out our best to serve to the guests. Diego rushed over to Oliver but Oliver quickly pinned him against the wall. Oliver was about to give him a nasty bite when Elijah appeared out of nowhere and pulled Oliver off him, slamming him against a table.

"This ends now. I won't ask again." Elijah sneered but just behind him Hayley had pinned Diego against the wall again with a stake aimed at his heart.

"Oh, we'll end it, alright." She said glaring at him. I looked over at Klaus who seemed to be ecstatic about the fight that was taking place. Francesca noticed too and walked over confused.

"Shouldn't you intervene or something?" She asked him.

"Why would I?" He said beside himself with laughter. "This party just got interesting." I sighed knowing that pregnant ol' me was the one who would have to solve everyone's problems. As per usual.

"Go ahead Elijah kill him." I said walking down the steps. "I shan't stop you. It's not like he doesn't deserve it. Oliver handed Rebekah over to the witches so that they could torture her. And you too Hayley, kill Diego, after all he lead a werewolf massacre a while back. And I hate Genevieve already, because she's a right slag, so then I'll kill her, but that's justified because the witches cursed the wolves. And you, standing next to Niklaus, Frankie, why don't I also kill you and all the humans? After all the humans stood by and idly watched as all of these evils happened. Would you look at that? It's almost as if we all deserve to die."

"Are you approaching a point , Fiore?"

"Don't interrupt me Elijah and you'll find out." I snapped. "My point is, if we can't all learn to get along, if all your factions and whatnots, can't put aside your petty feuds then what is the point? You kill Oliver, Hayley kill Diego but then I'll just kill each and every single one of you. Because everyone here deserves to die."

"And you're so righteous, Blossom? It's okay for you to kill them?" Klaus scoffed.

"Of course not, but my child has done no wrong, although I am sure it will succumb to your behaviour if it is allowed to grow up amongst you imbeciles." I said shrugging my shoulders.

Elijah released Oliver and Hayley did the same to Diego. Klaus merely growled in annoyance at the tension being cleared, but at least I knew my point had been made.

"Grand." I said smiling. "Now in order to make sure my orders are strictly adhered to; I will be taking over New Orleans."

"You will do no such thing." Elijah growled at me.

"Oh I think I will, big brother. It makes sense does it not? I am the rightful Leader of the Crescent Wolves, I am the most powerful witch in existence, I am also still part human and Original Vampire" I said still beaming, "Quite surprised we haven't come to this conclusion before."

"That is not enough you—"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot" I chuckled. "I am also an immortal being and as of right now I am the oldest being in existence. That means I have the power to compel each and every one of you to do my bidding so if you say no, I'll take power forcibly. The only choice I am presenting you with is whether or not New Orleans becomes a dictatorship. Now is there anyone who is opposed to my ruling?" I said looking down at the silent crowd. "Splendid! It's about damn time New Orleans had a queen for a change!"

A/N: Fiore's in charge, hell yes! New Orleans is now a Queendom, get the frick in there girl!

Leave a comment telling me how excited you are for Fiore taking control of New Orleans because we all know she can do it even better with a baby in her tum!

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter, love you as always! X

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