Dreams Story

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Inks POV

I woke up to feel cool wood against my face. I lifted my head up confused as to where I was before I realised that I must have fallen asleep at my desk. I shook my head in an attempt to wake myself up.

I looked down at my desk to see that I had fallen asleep whilst drawing last night. I couldn't remember what I had been drawing though.

I looked around my messy desk for any signs of a new drawing that I could have been working on last night, but found no evidence of anything new.

When something on the floor caught my eye and I turned to see a piece of paper lying there, waiting for me to pick it up and turn over.

I picked the paper up carefully as if a single rough touch could damage it. I held the paper up and could faintly see the outline of a sketch on the other side.

I slowly turned the paper around to see what was on the other side. It was practically finished, the drawing showed a grassy hill leading to a cliff edge overlooking the stars, and sat in the middle you could see the two silhouettes of me and the mystery man....Error.

A knock at the door woke me from my daydream, I turned to face to door as it slowly opened to reveal Dream, still looking sleepy and confused.

"Dream!" I exclaimed, slamming the drawing face down back on my desk.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine now." He said quietly with a small smile.

Dreams POV

Ink seemed nervous. He has seemed surprised when I entered his room, I looked over at the drawing he currently had his hand on after slamming it back onto his desk when I had walked in.

I smiled tiredly at him. Silence filled the room.

"So..." Ink said slowly, as if he was unsure of the placement of his words.
"Can you tell me what was wrong yesterday?" He asked.

I shakily nodded my head, the memories of yesterday flooding back. That figure that felt so familiar for some reason.

Ink gestured for me to sit on the small stool in the corner of the room that had a single red velvet cushion.

I sat down and took a shaky breath before telling him everything. From when I saw my brothers files to seeing that figure in the alleyway.

I told him how it felt like I knew who it was, and how I thought I recognised their figure. I explained the sudden disappearance of the person and my close encounter with a brick wall. I continued until I reached the part where I ran to find him.

I had ran to his house first but when he hadn't answered I knew where to find him so I had rushed up through the park to his favourite place to relax or think.

I reached the top I could have sworn he was talking to someone but when I got there he was alone staring down the edge of the cliff.

We sat in silence for a while before he broke it with a cough before saying,

"I think the stress of loosing your brother could have made you imagine things that you wanted to see, that's why the figure might have looked familiar. You said that they just vanished when you chased them so maybe it was just your imagination."

"I guess it could have been." I mumbled.

"Don't be sad Dream. He's still out there. We'll find him one day." He reassured.

"What if he doesn't want to be found?" I muttered.

Ink didn't seem to have heard me as he was currently staring off into space.

"Well I'll be going then." I said.

Ink smiled wearily. "Cya Dream."


I left Ink and went downstairs into the living room out to the front door. I called bye one last time and I heard a muffled response come from the direction of Inks room.

I sighed before leaving his colourful house and started to trudge the long walk home.

Short chapter
First chap of today
Hope your day is good!

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