Meanwhile, Safe and Sound

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---Errors POV----

I don't know why I attacked that guy, I could have just grabbed Ink and ran. But I felt like I had to hit someone, and he was the perfect punch sack.

In the moment of everything I had panicked and teleported to the first place that came to mind. And that happened to be Inks house.

We had landed clumsily on the sofa, him on top of me, still unconscious. My ribs were aching from when I tackled that guy, I could have sworn that they had re-cracked.

They really needed healing.

But that can wait. I carefully shifted and rolled out from under Ink, causing him to groan and hiss in discomfort.

I fell of the sofa with a thump, yelping at the sudden pain in my ribs. Yup they definitely need fixing.

My cry of pain seemed to wake Ink and he shifted, slowly opening his eyes.
"Huuhhh?" He groaned, staring blearily at me. "Error?"

I was kinda hitting a mind blank with my words right now so the only response I could manage to force out was a casual "Sup."

Ink tried to sit up to get a better view of my position on the sofa but collapsed again with a hiss as his damaged bones gave him a reminder that they needed fixing.

"What happened?" He whispered.

"Oh um, well." I started, shifting painfully so that I was sat up and more or less level with Ink.

"Well you know most of it. You came running in yelling not to shoot and that stuff. And that guy said he wouldn't then went and punched you right in the ribs. Who was that guy anyway?"

"It doesn't matter." Ink muttered, looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay, well so he went to shoot you but I wasn't about to let that happen, so I tackled him down and beat him up."

"You did?" Ink interrupted, twisting to face me.

I smirked at his reaction. "Of course." I purred. "Anything for my Inky."

His face exploded with rainbow blush and he faced the ceiling. "Get on with it." He muttered.

"Well that's about it." I shrugged.

"I grabbed you and teleported here."

"Yeah, I have a question." Ink said. "Why teleport here?"

"It was the first place I could think of." I said simply. "It's a pretty safe place, maybe not for much longer, but we should be good for now."

He nodded, and shifted slowly so he was also sitting up. "Can you heal?" He asked.

I looked down at the ground. "No."

He sighed, "It's fine I'll get Dream or someone to fix them." (I'm saying that if they can heal they still can't heal themselves idk if it's like that anyway) He said, lifting up the fabric of his shirt and inspecting his ribs. There were a few definite cracks running down some of them.

I had looked away, but then looked back when I noticed the intricate spiral tattoos that covered his white bones.

He noticed my looking and covered himself back up. "Perv." He muttered and I laughed. "You were the one that just started openly stripping."

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz