When past memories Surface

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---Nightmare's POV----

I was chained. To the wall to be exact. By my wrists. They were now permanently raised above my head against the brick wall. My arms were already starting to ache, but no one would really care about that in this place.

I sighed and looked over at the thick iron door that was blocking my escape. There was a small hatch at the top and bottom that could be opened and shut to slide in food or for officers to check I hadn't suddenly broke free or something.

I had a stupid amount of magic restraints on my wrists and one on each ankle for good measure. They looked real advanced as well. I hadn't bothered trying to escape them.....yet.

The sound of footsteps caused me to look up expectantly. And of course none other than Little Dreamy was the face that greeted me as the top latch was slid to the side.

I looked down to the floor as he looked in. I'm certain that he didn't know that it was me. But I still wanted to make sure that he didn't realise. He's already suspicious of me. I know that, so I need to try and act different so that he doesn't find out. But then again I have changed, very significantly.

No words were said and the silence was so strange that I eventually looked up at him. My one eyed ice blue gaze piercing his golden stare.

He flinched as we made eye contact, quickly looking down and now avoiding my curious stare. He seemed to take a deep breath and compose himself before speaking.

"D-Do you have a name?"

I tilted my head in amusement. Little Dreamy was already on to me. Let's mess with him a bit, shall we?

"They call me Night." I responded, telling half of the truth.

He stiffened at my response and met my stare once more. I smirked at him, loving the expression of hope and confusion that was so clear on his face.

He looked like he wanted to say something else but stopped himself at the last second, a frown forming on his face.

Then without a word he shut the latch and left, his footsteps fading as he walked down the corridor.

Well that was fast.

I groaned from boredom and looked over to the corner of the room where an empty injection needle lay, its glass smashed and scattered around it, the liquid that was once in there had dried a long time ago and had left a small dark stain.

Heh, that brings back some past memories.


(Another one XD)

My cell is dark. It's cold. And there's nothing home-like about it. It might as well have been a prison cell.

No one talked to me, properly. The only time I got any attention was when they were sticking a needle into me, or needed to test something new.

I missed Dream. I missed my mum. I wanted more than anything for my cell door to open to reveal them, waiting for me with outstretched arms.

But that will never happen. They've probably forgotten about me. I curled up on the floor, trying to block out the sounds of the giant science lab that I was trapped in.

Why me?

It was just a quick peek in. You see, I had convinced Dream that we should sneak into the grounds of the top secret science lab in the closest town and check it out.

Obviously, being the wimp he is, he didn't want to at first, but I eventually succeeded in making him come along.

What a bad idea that was.

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora