Fighting for Control

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---Cross' POV----

Before we had time to react police came streaming down the alleyway behind us, pointing their guns at us and taking aim.

"GO!" Nightmare yelled, pushing me out into the square and down to the floor as bullets whizzed past our heads.

We both scrambled to our feet, frantically looking for a way out of this situation. There was none.

The police had completely circled us, not an escape route in sight.

"Stay close." Nightmare muttered, his tentacles at the ready to attack. I quickly summoned two of my largest knifes and held one in each hand, rolling my wrists and shoulders in preparation to throw them.

The officers all pointed their guns at us, ready to fire at the slightest sign of a threatening movement.

I took a step backwards, feeling Nightmares back press against mine. "Don't make any sudden moves." He whispered.

I nodded. Not processing that he probably couldn't see me do it.

"Well, well, well." The hooded man drawled. "Look what we have here. The tentacled one and the betrayer."

I stiffened. I didn't betray them! How was I supposed to know that there was a tracker attached to me?

Nightmare growled from behind me, that comment obviously pissing him off as well.

"Here's the deal." The mystery man called. "You come quietly and we won't kill your other friends."

I felt Nightmare tense behind me and curse under his breath. "Don't accept it." He muttered.

"What?!?" I whispered. "He'll kill Horror and Lust if we don't!"

"He's bluffing. They're too valuable to kill. They could get information out of them."

The hooded man clapped. It was slow and deliberate clapping, like he wanted to be noticed.

My back was facing him at the moment, so I'm gonna have to rely on Nightmare in this situation.

"I must say." The mystery man said. "We knew you'd be smart, but this is stupid. Will I be able to get anything past you?"

Nightmare didn't respond, reaching back his hand and gripping my arm, checking I'm still there.

"It's a shame that we'll have to kill you though." The voice called. "Yeah, real shame. I would have quite liked you alive for my experiments."

I tensed as all the officers aimed their guns at us, releasing any form of safety catch.


We're so dead.




The sound was deafening, all shooting at once. I raised both my knives in front of me in a pathetic attempt to shield myself.

But before the bullets could even come close to reaching a wall of black goop surrounded me, the bullets hitting it and then tumbling to the ground, the momentum completely stopped by this wall.

I spun round to see Nightmare crouched down with his hands pressed to the floor, black tendrils travelling from it through the ground and up into this dome that surrounded us.

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