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                 😭I'm so sorry!!!😭
😰pls don't kill me😰
😥I don't want to die😥

---Fell's POV----

All I could remember in that split second was indescribable pain. Then nothing.

It was like my whole body went completely numb. I felt myself collapse and everything went in slow motion.

I hit the ground with a thud, not even feeling the impact.

I could see the fuzzy silhouette of the man suddenly rushing over. "Shit." I heard them curse. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

They reached out to grab my shoulder but I intercepted and grabbed their wrist weakly. The sleeves of the hoodie had been pulled up to his elbows and his wrist and hand bones were visible.

I slowly twisted his hand round to show his palm bone. He let me. Unsure of what I was trying to do.

I studied his wrist and let out a dry laugh, there on the bones was a faint spiderweb patterned crack.


---Sci's POV----

"Sci?" He whispered. His hand gripping my wrist.

"Fell?" I responded weakly.

He smiled faintly. "You do remember." He whispered.

"Of course I do." I cried. "How could I forget?"

He looked like he wanted to say something but a coughing fit took him over and he doubled up gasping.

That's when I noticed his legs. They were slowly beginning to dust, the bones disintegrating as the life ebbed out of him.

That's when I realised...I had shot him.

I hadn't meant to! I hadn't meant to do any of this! All this pain and hurt. I didn't want this! This wasn't my choice!

It was the experiment.

It had all gone wrong. I had been working on a huge project with several other top scientists. We had been trying to make liquid negativity. We had a test subject and everything, but when it broke free.....

I was the only survivor.

The chemical combination of the negativity cells and the carbon dioxide in the air clouded my mind and corrupted me.

Not physically like our test subject, but internally, my mind wasn't right from then on.

But now everything's gone clear again. The corruption's gone. But I'm too late.

I looked down at Fell once more at to see his entire body up to his upper leg bones had already dusted.

He smiled weakly at me, realising that I was remembering past memories.

I looked down at him desperately, there has to be a way to save him! There must be a way!

I suddenly had a thought and in a desperate attempt I pulled an injector from my pocket.

Fell's eyes were closed, and for a moment I thought he had gone, but he let out a dry cough, wincing at the pain that the action caused.

He looked at me and to the injector in my hand and simply nodded at me. No words just a nod. I breathed in deeply and injected the liquid into his arm, watching sadly as his eyes closed and his breathing slowed.

I looked up to see that guy and....Blue.

I had also tried to kill Blue.

My other best friend. The one I said I'd protect.

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