We don't want your girl scout Cookies!

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Lusts POV

We had all finished our hot chocolate, Geno was now sulking, saying it was his and we weren't alowed to have any in the first place.

Of course we ignored him, and, pretended he wasn't there. I hadn't had hot chocolate for a while, so that little session was nice, relaxing.

I was currently upstairs with Horror. One of the boards blocking the windows had came off and now the whole of that upstairs room covered in a thin layer of snow.

And now we were all freezing downstairs.

So Horror decided to go fix it. I think he hates the cold the most out of all of us.

He had a hammer in on hand and some planks of wood in the other.

"Hey, a little help?" He asked.

"Oh, right. What do you want me to do?"

"Just hold the planks of wood in place for me."

"Kay." (that language tho)

As I grabbed the planks from him our fingertips touched and my face turned a rather noticeable shade of violet.

Horror looked up and smirked at me.
"Everything okay Lust?" He asked sweetly.

I looked away, not wanting to see that smirk that I knew would still be on his face. "Yeah I'm fine. Let's just get this over with."

"Of course, whatever pleases you~"


The window was quickly boarded up and Horror and I returned downstairs to our overcrowded living room.

Dust and Killer had set up a mock funeral for Error. By our TV. There was a little wooden cross surrounded by dead flowers. "R.I.P." They both muttered before looking at each other snickering.

Horror rolled his eyes. "Where do u think he actually is?" He questioned, addressing the whole room.

"He's either dead, freezing his butt off, or snuggled up on a bed in some five star hotel." Nightmare muttered, just loud enough for everyone to here.

"Personally I hope it's the second option." Killer said, "Yeah me too."

Errors POV

I was still snuggled up to Ink when I woke up. My head resting on his. Our hands inches apart.

I pushed myself away from the smaller skeleton and stretched, hearing a satisfying click come from my spine, I yawned and relaxed against the soft sofa.

I could get used to this.

Maybe the storm would never end and I'd be trapped her with Ink for all eternity. Doesn't sound that bad to be honest.

I looked around and noticed that the TV was still on from last night. Not on the documentary any more, thank goodness. It was a weather report.

I wonder what it will say.

'Warning. A ruby warning has been issued for more snow coming our way. It looks like we'll be stuck in our houses for a bit longer.'

Just as I thought.

A light groan from my left signified Ink beginning to wake up.

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