I Said, Turn Around

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For all of u out there alone/single on Valentine day (me) then I'll be your Valentine XD

(Im high on errink fanfics rn)

---Error's POV----

There's no way that that's Nightmare. Where's all the goop, where are the tentacles? What happened to him? Is this what he was like before?

I'm questioning so many things right now. (Same)

I stared at him as he looked down the road, he seemed worried, and he was fiddling with his hands, clearly not happy about something.

He suddenly spun on his heels, looking straight at me, I held his gaze and he was the one to look away first.

He walked over to me slowly, growling as he had to look up at me, seeing as I'm taller.

"Where's Cross and the others?" He asked.

"How should I know?" I answered, studding his expression.

He swore under his breath and kicked the floor with his foot. I continued to look at him curiously and he growled. "Am I really that fascinating?" 

I didn't answer and he growled in response. "Make your way to the forest." He ordered, addressing everyone. "That's probably where they've gone."

"And where will you be going?" I asked, noticing how he had implied that he wasn't coming with the rest of us.

"To our old base. That's the only other place they'd be."

I nodded, watching as he turned and ran off down the road towards where the old abandoned house was.

I sighed, looking at the others. That's when I noticed the girl. She was literally all pink, and it was rather noticeable. 

"Who are you?" I called, walking over to her at the same time.

She looked over at me innocently and smiled. "Oh, I'm Betty. I helped your friends escape prison."

I nodded. "Well, are you sticking with us or going your own way?"

She giggled. "Well, as much fun as all of you look, I think Kumu and I are going to continue flying solo, you know what I mean?"

I nodded, and she laughed before running off into the night, the weird pink blob following closely behind.

I watched her go before spinning on my heels and facing the others. "Right lets go to the forest and hope the others are there!" I called, earning a cheer in response.

"Lets go!" Horror cried, looking around before walking off in the opposite Nightmare went in, heading off to the town square.

That's when I remembered Ink.

I quickly teleported back into the house by the window where he'd been watching cautiously the whole time. My sudden appearance made him jump and let out a small squeak.

"Your coming with us." I said, griping his arm and pulling him to the door. He didn't protest, just stayed silent and clung to my arm as we stepped out of the safety of his house, shutting the door behind us.

Fresh was the first to notice Ink and only smirked at me in acknowledgement. I glared back at him and he let out a laugh, running ahead of the others.

"Lets go then!"

---Nightmare's POV----

I rand down the road, leaving Error and the others behind as I headed for the old abandoned house where we had been hiding out many weeks ago.

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें