Creeper Vines

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---Cross' POV----

The forest was dark, cutting of all sunlight. A strange green mist that seemed to glow was our only source of light.

I glanced at the others nervously, they were also looking around cautiously, looking for anything that could pose as a threat.

I looked up ahead to see Nightmare had stopped. In this light all you could see of him was a black silhouette and his glowing blue eye.

I hurried over to him, and the others quickly followed.

"You need to listen." Nightmare said seriously. "You see this path?" He said, indicating to the dirt track we were walking on. No more ash thank God.

We all nodded. "Whatever you do don't leave this path. Out beyond the safety of this little dirt track are venojans, skebrids, poisonous flowers and creeper vines. (Idk what I'm writing plz send help)

"Why do all of those sound like they want to kill us?" Dust asked.

"Because they do." Nightmare replied. We all looked at each other. "That's fine." Killer muttered. "We should be used to people trying to kill us by now."

We all lapsed into silence, all thinking the same thing Killer was.

"Let's move." Nightmare said. "If we don't faff then we should be there within the hour."

He looked directly at Lust on the word 'faff '. Lust took a step back a surprised expression on his face, holding his hands up in the air.

Nightmare rolled his eye and walked on. I made sure that I was by his side. "So umm were all those things you just talked about real... or were they also fake to keep us moving?"

He glanced at me. "Deadly serious."

I gulped and looked into the darkness of the trees, attempting to see anything that could resemble the random names of what Nightmare had warned us about.

All I could see was black.

We had been walking for about ten minutes when we came across a half fallen tree. It had collapsed and fallen onto another tree on the other side of the path.

And hanging from the half fallen tree were vines. Lots of them. Nightmare slowed to a stop and whispered to the others to freeze. 

I watched curiously as he walked over to the edge of the path, leant down and pick up a sturdy looking piece of branch.

He walked slowly over to the vine covered tree blocking our path, holding the branch out in front of him.

As he neared the vines they began to twitch, slithering about like snakes. He poked one of them with the bit of branch.

The reaction was immediate.

The vines ripped the wood from Nightmares hands and snapped it in half, as if it were a mere twig.

"I'm guessing that's a creeper vine?" Error said slowly.

Nightmare nodded. "Try not to make any noise. And whatever you do, don't attempt to teleport!"

"Why?" Horror hissed.

"They'll sense it and be on you in a flash. Only releasing you when every bone in your body has been snapped."

"Of course." Horror muttered.

"What do we do then?" Dust whispered.

"Distract them." Nightmare said, walking over to the edge of the path again and leaned down picking up another branch.

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