Love Ya

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ohhhhh chapter 69 About time huh? XD

---Error's POV----

It was breakfast time.

We hadn't bothered sitting at the large oak table in the dining hall. Instead we'd made ourselves comfortable on the sofas in the lounge.

I'm sure Nightmare wouldn't mind.

Speaking of Nightmare....

I haven't seen him since I walked in on him and Cross.....

Then again....I haven't seen Cross since then either.

I wonder what they're up to. (Oh I do wonder)

"Have you guys seen Cross and Nightmare?" I asked, addressing the whole room.

Killer raised his hand, like a kid does at school.

I looked over at him questioningly and he motioned for me to wait as he finished chewing the piece of toast that he was currently eating.

He eventually swallowed and let out a satisfied and hum.

"Last time I saw." He started. "Cross had gone looking for Nightmare when he suddenly ran away."

"He must have found him by now though." I muttered, taking a thoughtful bite of toast.

And then as if summoned by his name Cross came into view at the top of the stairs.

"There he is!" Killer called, clapping his hands in amusement.

Cross ignored the comment and walked slowly down the stairs.

"Dude are you okay?" Fresh called from the back of the room.

Cross looked up, seeming to notice us for the first time.

"Oh, umm, I'm fine. Just....tired. Yeah I'm tired! That's all..." He stumbled with his words and it sounded to me like he was trying to cover up something.

I eyed him suspiciously and he quickly avoided eye contact with me, quickly walking over to one of the empty double sofas.

That's when I noticed he was limping.

It was slight. Not incredibly noticeable, but it was definitely there.

"So um, where's Nightmare?" Horror asked, leaning forwards on the sofa.

Cross shrugged. "Asleep? How should I know?"

Horror held up his hands defensively. "Chill man, if anyone knows what's up with Nightmare it's you."

Cross looked away and down at the cushion next to him, obviously trying to evade our questions.

"Well he better wake up soon. He can't sleep all day." I muttered, looking down at Ink. He was currently curled up next to me, his head resting on my lap.

"I don't understand you." Horror said.

I looked up to see he was talking to me.

I didn't answer but gave him a confused look.

"You currently have the chief of police curled up in your lap like a puppy. You don't think that's weird? Especially for you. Its dangerous for all of us."

I sighed, looking down at Ink fondly. "Well Dust has that little blue cop, Cross likes a killer octopus, you like the worlds biggest slut, I'm just trying to fit in. If you think about it, Killer's the only sensible person here."

"You mean only single one here." Killer said dryly.

We all laughed at his comment and it was like the previous conversation had been forgotten.

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