Toothy's Fitting In

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---Nightmares POV----

We were all quietly sat in the living room, minding our own business when Cross trudged back down the stairs.

"How'd it go?" I called.

"Don't wanna talk about it." He grumbled, walking over to the double sofa I was sat on and collapsed next to me.

"Was it really that bad?" Lust asked.

Cross sighed. "Well no, not really. But he did try to attack me with a lamp as soon as I walked in."

Lust looked at him in alarm. "A Lamp?"

Cross nodded.

Error laughed, "I like that guy, I feel like he's got potential, you know what I mean."

The others all mumbled in agreement.

Cross seemed to be zoning out in the conversation probably wondering over how they all hated him at first but everyone seems fine with Toothy.

To be honest I've been thinking the same thing.

"Well then." Error He said loudly. "Is he coming down to say 'hi'?"

Cross didn't answer. I nudged him, causing him to look up at me in alarm. "Huh?"

Error sighed and repeated the question.

Cross shrugged, "If he's decided he's brave enough."

"Well if he doesn't come down then eventually we'll have to have another vote for who gets stuck with bringing him down." Error said.

"NOT ME!" Everyone yelled in unison.

Error chuckled. "Well someone's gonna have to do it."

"Not if he comes down." Dust pointed out.

"And the chances of that happening are........pretty slim." Error countered.

This whole time I had been staring at Cross, he definitely wasn't paying attention to what was being said. It looked like he was falling asleep.

"Look out Nightmare." Killer laughed.

I looked up questioningly. "Wha-....."

My sentence was cut short at the feeling of something resting against my arm. I jolted in surprise and looked round to see Cross had indeed fallen asleep.

I tensed at the feeling of his body resting against mine. "Awwwww that's so cute." Lust teased.

"If you want your other leg broken then your going the right way." I growled.
Lust leaned onto Horror, still smirking at me, whispering to him causing both of them to snicker.

"You two were like, meant to be." Error chuckled.

"Not you as well!" I groaned.

"Accept it Nightmare..." He whispered ominously.

"I hate all of you."

"Awwww c'mon, don't be like that. We know you love us really."

I didn't answer, looking to my side, checking on Cross. He was still definitely asleep.

(I'm taking out my shortage of Errink on Crossmare. Send help XD)

And I have to admit, he did look rather cute like that.

"Ohhhhhh Nightmares blushing!" Lust called.

I looked up at him, he seemed to realise that he's probably not going to live to see tomorrow anymore.

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