A storm is apon Us

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Dusts POV

I peered out of the cracks in the wood covering the window to see small white snowflakes spiralling past onto the ground below.

It was snowing.
It hadn't snowed in a while, so this was interesting.

But the thing was, Error wasn't back.

We had all returned back to the house after having some fresh air from when we had been cooped up in the living room because of the rain.

Last to return was Geno and we had all immediately pounced on him asking if he knew where Error was. He said he had no idea saying he thought that we would all be back by now.

We were all worried. Some of us might not be showing it, *cough cough Nightmare* but we were all wondering what could be causing Error to take so long.

Earlier Killer had gone to check the cliff top, but came back alone shaking his head.

Where could he be?

Errors POV

Ugghhhhh my head hurts.

Where am I?

I blearily opened my eyes, attempting to focus on my surroundings. I was lying on something soft. What happened?

I tried to sit up, but found that I couldn't. My eyes shot open. I was lying on what appeared to be a sofa.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, discovering that I could in fact sit up. I scanned my surroundings, I was in what appeared to be a living room.

It was cosily decorated, with drawings and paintings hung up all over the walls. The room was a bit to colourful for my taste to be honest.

I looked behind me to see a doorway leading into a neat looking kitchen with a little island table in the middle.

Well where ever I am the person who owns this place knows how to keep a house neat.

I stood up and walked over to the window to see snow softly sliding down the window sill. When had it started snowing?

Wherever I am, and whoever owned this house was a question that didn't need answering right now.

I needed to get back to the guys!

I prepared to teleport only to feel a sharp pain down in my wrists.

"Aghh!" I yelped, clutching my wrist. 'What the hell was that?

I looked down to see two metal bands, one on each wrist. They were a dull grey and impossible to get off without a key.

Magic restraints.....

I immediately panicked, attempting to pull the restraints off to no avail. They stayed firmly locked around my wrists.

In my attempt to escape the bands, I tripped over a little coffee table and landed back on the sofa with a crash.

I froze at the sound of footsteps. The creak of stairs as someone walked down them.

I watched as a shadow made its way across the wall and the silhouette of whoever was standing on the stairs became visible.

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