Welcome to our Life

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---Cross' POV----

"Why me?" I whined, being pushed down a corridor by Horror and Dust.

"Because we had a vote." Dust answered, grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

"But I don't want to!" I groaned.

"Tough." Horror said.

"I'm new to this group! Someone who's been here longer should do it!"

They ignored me and dragged me in front of a door and kicked it open.

"Remember." Dust said, a serious expression in his face. "Say nice things."

Then they ran out, shutting the door, their laughing fading as they ran back down the corridor.

I rolled to my feet grumbling, looking round the room. Where was....

A shadow darted out from behind an old wardrobe clutching what looked like the base of a lamp.

I blocked it with a knife and tackled the attacker to the floor, pointing my knife at their neck.

"You should know by now that stuff like that isn't going to work." I said.

Fell shrugged from his position on the floor. "Can't blame me for trying right?"

I got off him and walked over to the window, it was still storming outside, Nightmare thinks it's here to stay.
Apparently the weather here is very unpredictable.

"So uh, whatcha doing up here?" Fell asked. "You didn't seem to come...willingly."


The guys had dragged me up here for the soul purpose of 'welcoming' Fell into our lives. The others have officially verified him as being part of our group now.

Seeing as he's stuck with us either way.

We had released him from his restrainment chair about an hour ago after he agreed to our terms, he had ran off somewhere in the house as soon as he was freed.

We had eventually tracked him down to this room where we then had a vote as to who would get stuck with explaining and introducing each of us.

And somehow I lost. Getting stuck with being the unwilling tour guide. Which didn't make any sense in my opinion, since I've only been with these guys for a few weeks.

If anyone should have had this job it should have been Error or Nightmare. They know everything there is to know about their lifestyle and each other.

But no. It's obviously me that gets the job.

Neither of us said anything for a while, me looking out the window and him watching my back.

"So, um, this isn't awkward is it?" Fell muttered.

I sighed, spinning on my heel to face him.

"Well let's get this over. I've been selected to give you a brief understanding to us and our life so you don't start off here like I did."

Fell looked at me quizzically. "How long have you been here for then?" He asked.

"A few weeks."

"Oh. What went wrong for you when you joined?"

I frowned at the memory. "Well... No one wanted me there, they were kinda stuck with me, a bit like with you. But no one would tell me anything or payed me any attention except Nightmare, so I had to learn from their actions."

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