What do we do with Him?

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Nightmares POV

I looked down at the sleeping skeleton that was currently curled up on our largest sofa, a large blanket over his still shaking body.

He had a small frown on his face, and I'd be lying if I said he didn't look cute.

I sighed and walked of aimlessly into the kitchen, not really sure what I was going in there for.

Dusts POV

I stood behind the sofa, looking down at the skeleton Nightmare had saved earlier. He was definitely the one from the news warning. No doubt about it.

But what made him so dangerous?

Suddenly his eyes snapped open, both of them red, glowing target symbols. He locked eyes with me, scrambled back off the sofa and summoned a large knife which he pointed threateningly at us.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH. CALM DOWN MATE." I yelled as he stared at me hatefully, an animalistic look in his eyes.

"Get away from me!" He snarled. He looked like a cornered animal. And everyone knows that a cornered animal is dangerous.

"Your here to take me back aren't you? You want to shove me back into my cage don't you?!?" He hissed.

"Calm down! We're not taking you anywhere." Killer reassured. "Just chill bro."

The skeleton sent Killer such
a glare that he backed away, holding his hands up in surrender.

The stranger growled at us, his knife still pointing threateningly at us. I took a step closer. Bad idea.

He must have mistook that act as a threat because before I knew what was happening he had chucked the knife at me.

Everything went on slow motion. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for the sharp pain that would signal the knife finding its mark.

Nothing happened.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the knife inches from my face. But wrapped around the hilt, was a black dripping tentacle.


He was standing in the doorway between the kitchen and our living room. And boy he looked pissed.

His tentacle dropped the giant knife. It hit the floor with a loud clatter that echoed throughout the room.

The skeleton instantly lunged for it only to get yanked back and slammed into the wall by another one of Nightmares tentacles.

It was wrapped rather tightly round his neck and the force of him hitting the wall caused his head to smack against the brick, a loud crack sounding throughout the room.

"Look here buddy. We're not about to send you back to your dumb asylum, or lock you in a cage. We saved your ass so I suggest you be grateful for it." Nightmare growled.

The skeleton didn't respond, his eyes were tightly squeezed shut and he was trembling in fear. His hands weakly pulling at the tentacle wrapped round his neck.

He whimpered. Attempting to escape Nightmares grip. "Look at me." Nightmare commanded.

He shook his head. Letting out another sound of distress.

Nightmare tightened the tentacles grip around his neck causing the smaller skeleton to gasp for air.

He opened his eyes revealing that now they had changed to the normal eye lights a skeleton would be expected to have except one was red while the other was white.

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