Card Games

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---Lusts POV----

It had gotten dark quickly. Large menacing dark clouds had came rolling over the mansion, casting a dark ominous shadow across the corrupted land.

We hadn't done much all day. Just lied on the sofas feeling sorry for ourselves.

Horror had gone exploring with Killer and Dust a while ago. They hadn't seen upstairs yet. But then again, neither have I. I haven't even seen all of downstairs yet.
Confined to the living room for eternity.

With him.

The stowaway.

He was still tied to the chair. But we had found actual rope instead of using Errors strings.

He was also down here with me, ironically, playing with his strings. He seemed to be doing cats cradle or something.

Nightmare was down here as well, along with Cross, both half asleep napping on opposite sides of the sofa.

I sighed contently at the silence. Moments like this were rare for us, so I planned on savouring this.

Sadly for me. And everyone else, the peace and quiet was shattered rather quickly by the return of Horror Killer and Dust. Horror was clutching something in his hand which he was currently holding triumphantly up in the air.


Yup peace and quiet is no more.

---Cross POV----

I was dragged out of my attempt to nap by someone screaming at the top of their lungs about cards.

Someone send help.

I felt Nightmare shift next to me, also woken by the enthusiastic yelling about cards. He groaned and sat up, whereas I complied by simply opening one eye.

Horror was standing in the middle of the room, with Killer and Dust by his side, all of them looking rather proud of themselves holding a box of cards.

Nope can't be asked right now.

I closed my eye and snuggled deeper into the sofa. That's when the whispering started.

"Is he still asleep?"
"Yeah I think he is, he looks less hostile."
"Kinda like Nightmare when he's asleep?"

That comment was followed by a growl from my left.

"Should we wake him?"

I could sense them creeping towards me and I tensed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you guys." Nightmare muttered.

They got closer, one of them, I made it seem I was still asleep. It seemed to be fooling them.

One of them reached out, their hand inching towards my shoulder.

Before they could even react, I rolled, grabbing the outstretched hand and pulling it to the ground.

I flipped of the sofa, straddling the person and tackling them to the ground, slamming a knife down a hairs width from their face.

I looked down to see Dusts terrified face, his eyes darting frantically to the knife and back to me.

I smirked. "That's nearly twice I've almost killed you." I purred. "You've got to be more careful around me Dust. You should know that by now."

He didn't say anything for a second. Then his gaze flicked back to the knife that was rather close to grazing his skull.

"Y-You almost Killed Me!" He spluttered.

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