We could always eat it Later...

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Dusts POV

I looked down at the small skeleton curled up on my lap, with a stupid amount of blankets wrapped round him in an attempt to keep him warm.

He had finally stopped shivering and was now breathing normally. His cheeks were tinted blue from being in the cold for so long.

He yawned loudly, then shook his head and tried opening his eyes. The others quickly surrounded me wanting to see the small skeleton waking up. (Creepy much).

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, trying to get us all into focus. He had incredibly blue pupils (idk what their pupil things are called XD)

His eyes flickered over each of us, alarm and confusion clear on his face. I mean, who wouldn't be confused if they woke up after passing out in the snow to see seven people staring down at them.

The poor thing was probably terrified.

"Hey it's okay. Don't worry we won't hurt you." I said in a gentle voice.

"H-hi." The small skeleton stuttered.

"What's it's name?" Horror asked gruffly.

The smaller skeleton looked at him, his eyes full of terror. "B-blue." He said.

"Is that your name?"

He nodded.

"He's one of them."
We all turned, Blue included, to see Nightmare leaning against a wall, staring at Blue.

"Huh?" We all said.

"He's with the police idiots. What's your memory span? Your all goldfish I swear."

I looked down at Blue and instantly saw what Nightmare was talking about. He was indeed part of the police. I remember seeing him now.

He was with the chief and the other skeleton when Nightmare collapsed that roof on them at that shop raid.

He looked up at me worry clouding his face.

"Y-your th-them aren't you? The b-bad group o-of people we're after. Right?"

We all looked at each other, debating what to say. Ummmmmmmm

"No we're not evil or bad don't worry sweetheart." Lust said quickly.

Blue sighed, he visibly relaxed and snuggled into the blankets a bit more.

"That's okay then." He whispered before falling back asleep.

We all sat there for a while listening to Blues soft snores until Geno broke the silence.

"Congratulations Dust you have successfully bought a cop in to our hideout and let him see what we all look like."

I shrugged.
"How was I supposed to know who he was when I was in the middle of that blizzard?"

Geno rolled his eyes. "We're having a vote. Those in favour of kicking him out and letting him fend for himself in the blizzard raise your hand."

Both his and Nightmares hands went up along with Horrors.

"Those in favour of keeping him, raise your hand."

Killer, Lust and I put our hands up.

"It's a draw."

We all glared at each other.

"Let's just keep the damn thing for now." Horror sighed. "We can always eat it later or something."


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