The Storm Rages On

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??? POV

They stared at me behind the safety of the glass. Their cruel faces looking down on me like I was some piece of dirt. I'll show them.

I ran up and pushed both hands on the glass. The surface was cool against my fingertips. That sudden action caused the people to jump back a bit. I smirked at them.

Their expressions were ones of anger. They despised me. But then again one could argue that that's their job.

They turned and walked away, I glared at their backs. Cursing them under my breath. I was still pressed up against the glass, my eyes following whoever walked past.

Some would stare back at me defiantly, but most would avoid my gaze and hurried on past. The occasional person would look at me but their eyes would quickly brake contact with me and would then rush past.

I smiled. I wouldn't be here for much longer.

Blues POV

I woke up to find myself alone. I was still wrapped up in all the blankets. I snuggled deeper into them smelling their old dusty scent.

I relaxed, I was warm now. The freezing cold was a distant memory now. I looked up at the ceiling noticing several large cracks running across it.

Where was this place? And who are the people who've saved me? I was still suspicious of them.

The one in purple said that they weren't bad and I wanted to believe him, but he looked like a criminal that we had caught multiple times before but they had always escaped within a few weeks.

The others looked a bit menacing as well. Especially the strange goop covered one with what seemed to be tentacles coming out of his back. His one blue eye creeped me out.

It was like it could discover all my secrets with a single glance. He had after all recognised that I was part of the police force.

But the one that had saved me is okay. He seemed nicer than the others. I felt safe when I was with him.

As if he could sense my thoughts he walked into the room a tired expression on his face. His gaze drifted round the room before settling on me. He smiled.

"Sup." He said whilst walking over to me. "You hungry?"

I nodded in response.

He turned and walked in the direction of what I assumed was the kitchen. I took that as a chance to properly check out where I am.

The house I'm in looks old, as if it could crumble at any moment, trapping us all in. It was rather messy, chairs, mattresses, and sofas were just randomly splayed around the room.

I heard footsteps and looked round to see my saviour walk back in to the room with what appeared to be a sandwich in one hand, and a bottle of water in the other.

It was right then that I realised I was starving.

I grabbed the food from out of his hands and stuffed it in my mouth quicker than he could blink. I then chugged some of the water, relishing it's coolness.

Just then the skeleton with the chunk missing from his skull walked down the stairs.

"You feeding your pet Dust?"

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