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---Genos POV----

I couldn't sleep.

No matter how hard I tried, sleep would not come.

It's probably the fact that I have a proper bed instead of a dieing mattress and there's so much space, and that's putting me on edge.

I could get comfortable easily. It's just the sleeping part that isn't working out for me.

I groaned, rolling over and checking the digital clock to my right. It was nearly midnight.

The room was dark, the only light being from the window that was only half covered by the curtains.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, looking out of the window and across the street, all light were off, except for the street lamps of course.

It looked so peaceful outside. My vision of the street was suddenly disoriented by a fat drop of rain splatting against the window.

This raindrop was quickly followed by another, and another, until a soft pitter pattering filled the house.

The window was now impossible to see out of clearly. It was all a blur of lights and shapes.

A growl echoed outside the house and I tensed, praying that it wasn't what I thought it might be. The sound came again, a loud rumbling.

I flash shot through the house and I dove under the blankets, shaking.

Thunder Storm.

---Reapers POV----

I had been peacefully sleeping, calmly dreaming of (use your imagination) when a loud crash and blast of light woke me up.

I sat up on my bed, rubbing the back of my neck, attempting to figure out what the hell that flash of light was.

My question was swiftly answered by the rumble of thunder followed by another flash.

Oh. Thunderstorm.

I sat up and swung out of bed, my bare bony feet shivering at the contact of the carpet.

It was quite chilly actually, I wrapped my arms around myself and walked over to the window, watching the rain splatter against the window pane.

I found storms like this relaxing to be honest, the constant roll of thunder and flashes of lightning calmed me. Don't ask why, it just does.

I pressed a hand against the glass, it was cold against my fingertips. I waited expectantly for another flash of lightning, for a minute all that could be heard was the rumble of thunder and the tormenting rain.

Then the sky opened with a sound of tearing silk and a brilliant fork of lightning struck down, over by the forest where we had lost the rest of the criminal gang.

Another lightning strike hit again along with a smash of thunder, but at the same time I could have sworn I had heard a yelp.

I paused, listening intently as the next boom of thunder echoed throughout Craitown. I heard it again, a muffled yelp. It seemed to be coming from inside the house.

The spare room to be exact.

Genos room.

I pushed off the window and walked over to my door. My hand hovered over the handle for a second before grasping it firmly and twisting.

The door slowly opened, the creaking drowned out by another crash of thunder.

The landing was dark, lit up only by the continuous flashes of lightning. I edged out of my room, closing the door behind me.

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