Horror Stories in the Rain

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Errors POV

We were all sat in the living room, on the sofas or on the floor board out of our minds.

It was raining outside, a steady downpour of depressing droplets. The reason that we were all downstairs, was the fact that this house is very, very old.

Many leaks from the roof forced us all to retreat downstairs. We all slept in the living room anyway, but there isn't much room for personal space.

Horror and Lust were sat on one sofa together silently whispering stuff to each other. I didn't want to know what.

Geno was sat on a single person sofa, with his legs crossed beneath him, reading a book.

His eye never left the page, constantly skimming across the pages. Ignoring all of us.

Killer and Dust were passed out asleep sprawled across two mattresses that had been chucked in the middle of the room.

Soft snores could be heard coming from their slightly open mouths.

Nightmare had wandered off into the kitchen to do....whatever. I leaned over on the sofa I was sitting on, trying to get a view into the kitchen to see what he was up to.

I could just about see the back of him, nothing else, I would have fallen off the sofa if I'd leaned anymore.

I leaned back and sunk into the sofa the old fabric letting of a cloud of dust causing me to have a coughing fit.

While I was busy choking on the dust let off from the sofa Nightmare walked back into the room, he looked rather amused at the sight of me dieing in front of him.

"Help." I chocked out. Reaching my hand out towards him dramatically. Nightmare stared at me clearly not impressed. One of his tentacles reached out behind me and thumped me on the back.

I let out one last great cough and collapsed on the sofa gasping in sweet air. "Are you done now?" Nightmare asked.

"Yup." I responded, back to normal.

During my coughing fit I had managed to wake Killer and Dust, who were now sat up, rubbing their eyes with sleepy confused expressions.

"Finished your beauty sleep you two?" Horror teased.

"Yeah we have. And it looks like you need some to!" Killer yawned, with a small smile visible on his face.

Horror merely grunted in response, putting his arm round Lust and pulling the smaller skeleton closer.

Lust happily complied and snuggled up into Horror's jacket a happy smile on his face.

"What's gotten into them?" I heard Geno murmur.

"Their together duh. Didn't you know?" Killer said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"Well so-rry." Geno retorted, before sighing irritability and returned to reading his book.

"Well then now that everyone's awake, how about we tell some horror stories to lighten the mood?" Killer said energetically whilst clapping his hands together.

No one answered.

"Great! I'll start!" He said, before his voice dropped a whole octave...

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