Who's next?

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Inks POV

They had me surrounded. A tight semi circle of humans and monsters. They were all smiling, but nothing about these smiles seemed friendly.

They took a step closer, and I took a step back, feeling the brick wall press against my back. I was cornered.

Of course this had to happen to me! Out of all the people in the world, why me?

To make it even worse one of them had snatched my paintbrush from me. I eyed the human holding my brush.

He was a tall man with arms thicker than tree trunks. I didn't fancy my chances of taking him down.

I looked around desperately for a gap in their ring around me, but finding none I started to panic even more.

I was useless without my brush!

They started to close in their grins growing at my apparent fear. In a last desperate attempt to find help I screamed for help.

But nobody came...

One of them grabbed my arm roughly and slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Now now little one, let's not be opening that pretty little mouth of yours. Hmm?" A scale covered monster snarled.

I whimpered in response. Hadn't anyone heard my call for help? Or had someone heard but just ignored it?

I squeezed my eye sockets shut not wanting to give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

I felt the scaly monster place a hand on my cheek and I tensed. Terrified of what he was going to do.

When suddenly the hands holding me still were yanked off. I slowly opened my eyes, afraid of what I might see.

The scaly monster was a few feet in front of me but wrapped around his waist were what looked like...blue strings?

My eyes widened as I saw the monsters soul appear in front of him, it was also wrapped in the same blue strings.

I watched frozen as the strings tightened around the soul, squeezing it until....

The soul shattered. The monster fell to the floor and instantly dusted.

And there standing behind the remains with a murderous look on his face...


I collapsed against the wall, relief flooding my body.

Someone had heard my call for help.

Errors POV

I was furious. How dare they. They hurt Ink. Well. I'm going to hurt them even more....

The other humans and monsters surrounding Ink looked at the dust of their friend then at me. Expressions of pure anger and hatred on their faces.

I smirked at them, my strings at the ready.
"Who's next?" I asked.

Then they all charged.

An ugly looking monster lunged for me, I quickly side stepped and he flew past me only to get caught in a web of strings.

He struggled not wanting to receive the same fate as his friend. The others had slowed keeping their distance. Waiting to see if I would actually kill this monster.

I smiled innocently at them. "What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

I turned to look at the monster caught in my strings, desperately trying to escape yelling at his friends for help.

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