Go Away

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Cross' POV

It had been a few days since Nightmare convinced- well just kinda made the others let me stay.

And finally the snow had stopped. The blizzard was over! But there was still mountains of snow left from the storm, so we were staying inside for now.

But when the snow finally clears....

What are the others gonna do to me? I know for a fact that over half of them don't want me to stay. Only Nightmare seems to have any form of trust in me.

I'm scared their gonna kick me out. If they did I'll run, but everyone knows you can't run forever. Then I'll get caught and be dragged kicking and screaming back to the hellhole where I was kept captive for so many years.

I shivered at the thought.

I really don't want that to happen.

And just to add to the list of horrible things that were going on in my life...

Chara had woken up.

He'd been asleep for four days, after Nightmare slammed me into that wall,
and effectively knocked him out.

As soon as I'd sensed his presence resurfacing I had braced myself. Waiting to feel my conscious being dragged away and replaced with his.

But that never happened.

He had simply floated next to me rubbing his eyes and looking around. And when he saw Nightmare stood at the other side of the room, he had shrank back. A look of fear and hatred in his eyes.

Chara was scared of Nightmare?

"What's wrong with you?" I whispered.

Chara turned and looked at me, a pissed expression on his face. "Who is that?" he growled. Jerking his head over towards Nightmare.

"Oh him? That's Nightmare." I said.

"Hmmm?" Nightmare said turning to face me. "Did you say my name?"

"Oh. No I didn't." I said quickly. I had forgot that no one could see or hear Chara except me. That's one of the reasons I was chucked in that asylum in the first place.

That and the....other thing.

Nightmare gave me an odd look before turning back to do whatever he was doing before I distracted him.

Chara growled. He definitely didn't like Nightmare. And I was gonna try and use that to my advantage.

As far as I knew, Chara wouldn't take over if Nightmare was around. So as long as I stayed near him I would be safe. I hope.

And before I had came here, every night that I was in control I had been tormented by horrible nightmares. But ever since Nightmare stopped that other one, I hadn't had any since.

So I'm planning to stay on his good side.

Thats my plan anyway.

My eyes followed Chara as he drifted round the room, steering well clear of the side that Nightmare was stood.

I didn't notice Nightmare watching me.

"Whatcha looking at?" He asked suddenly. I tore my gaze away from Chara and looked at him.

"N-nothing!" I squeaked.

His eye narrowed. "Really?"


"Then why are you stuttering?"

"U-uh Ummmmm."

I'm screwed.

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT!" I practically yelled at him, and hid under one of the blankets that was draped over the back of the sofa.

"I'm watching you Cross." Nightmare said, and I heard him walk away into the kitchen.

As soon as he was gone I peeked my head out of the blanket. I was alone in the room.

Chara floated over to me.

"I don't like that guy." Chara hissed.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell." I said sarcastically. "He's the only reason we're still alive so be grateful for once you brat."

Chara looked over at me, a curious look on his face. "You like him don't you?" He said.

"What! No! Are you crazy?!? I would never...." I trailed off.

"OMG you do!" Chara laughed!

"Shut up!" I groaned. Hiding my face in my scarf. "Go way." I muttered.

"Would if I could. Trust me. But we're kinda bound to each other for eternity unless we find a human soul of determination for me to devour." He said.

"Yeah. True. Lucky me." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, lucky us." Chara muttered.

Nightmares POV

I had walked of into the kitchen, leaving Cross alone in the living room. Something's up with him, I know it.

As I left the living room I melted against one of the kitchen walls and listened in to see if Cross would do anything, strange.

I waited, not making a sound. Nothing happened.

I was just about to give up when I heard Cross, talking to someone.

I didn't look to see who incase he spotted me. But he was definitely talking to someone, and judging by his speech structure, someone was talking back to him.

But who?

There was definitely no one in the room when I left, and I couldn't sense anyone else in the room.

Just Cross....

An Imaginary friend?

I snickered at the thought. But to be honest from what I've picked up, he'd been in that asylum for several years, no one to talk to or comfort him.

You would kind of expect someone to have an imaginary friend.

That reminds me of......

I shook my head. That's in the past. And everyone knows you can't undo the past.

I decided that Cross had had enough time talking to his.... friend, and peeled of the wall and solidified myself before walking back into the lounge.

Cross was still sat on the sofa, with his legs crossed beneath him. He was looking to something to his right his eyes utterly focused on what I couldn't see.

At the sound of my return he snapped his head round to look at me his eyes wide with what looked like...guilt.

I locked eyes with him and gave him a look of 'I'm on to you.' He gulped and I smirked.

"No secrets are safe from me."


Charas up!
How long will Cross keep him a secret for.
Only I know😂

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