A frozen Surprise

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Genos POV

We had all gone silent at Dusts words. Horror paused the TV and we all listened. Attempting to hear what Dust had described.

Then the faintest sound could be heard. It was unmistakably a voice. What the voice said couldn't be understood, but that wasn't important.

What was important is that someone's out there in the cold. Probably lost. And they're calling for help.

We all sat there doing nothing for a good minute, listening to the faint cries for help. It seemed as if they weren't moving anymore.

"Well!" Horror said clapping his hands together with a joyful tone. "Who's gonna brave the outside weather and save the poor soul in desperate need of help?"

No one answered.

"Exactly." He said before turning back to the TV.

We all sat uncomfortably, the cries of whoever was out there were getting desperate.


The voice could be heard clearly now.


We all glanced at each other, guilt clouding our expressions. Except Nightmare, the emotionless monster. He looked rather bored by this whole matter.


We heard the voice again, but this time it sounded weaker. Almost giving up hope.

We all turned as Dust stood up, a look of determination set on his face.

"I'm going out there." He said bluntly.
"Don't try and stop me."

??? POV

The snow was all around me. I couldn't see my own hand if I held it in front of my face.

My body was numb. I had lost the feeling in my hands and feet along time ago.

I tried to walk forward but collapsed face first into the snow. Tears falling from my eyes froze on my cheeks and stung my face.

I had screamed my throat raw, crying for help that deep down I knew wasn't coming.

I curled up in a ball in an attempt to keep warm. My eyes started to close and I decided that maybe it would be better to just accept my fate.

Everything was clouding over.

What a lonely way to die.......

Dusts POV

I was standing by the door ready to brace the raging blizzard outside, the others were next to me ready to grab me of the snow dragged me down.

I wasn't wearing much more clothing. Only a pair of gloves, some boots instead of my slippers and a dull grey scarf wrapped many times round my neck.

I breathed in and listened. Whoever was out there had stoped calling for help. Were we too late?

I stared at the door, the only thing protecting us from the snow and wind. And we were about to open it.

In my left hand I held a piece of rope, it was Geno who came up with it. The idea is that if I got lost, or couldn't find the house again then I'd just have to follow the rope.

Which should be easy seeing as I had wrapped it around my wrist. The other end of the rope was tied to one of our old sofas, so that meant if I pulled too hard, hopefully the rope wouldn't be pulled outside with me.

We had no idea what we'd do if it snapped.

I walked forward and placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it. Let's do this...

I kicked open the door to see a swirling mass of white death. Well then...

I ran out into the storm, making sure that the rope was tight around my wrist.

I heard the door slamming shut behind me, well not entirely shut because of the rope but enough to leave me completely alone in the white expanse.

I looked around for the person that had been calling for help. But all I could see was white.

The snow was stinging my eyes, making it hard for me to see anything.

"HELLO?" I yelled.


No answer came.

If I stayed out here any longer I was going to freeze. I was just about to grab the rope to follow it back to the house when I saw something.

A lump in the snow. I battled against the wind and forced my way over the shape in the snow.

As I got closer I realised that the lump seemed to be shaking. It was a person!
I kneeled down next to the shaking creature and picked it up.

The body was limp in my arms. What if I was too late?

Killers POV

We were all sat watching the door. Horror was sat with his back to it, seeing as it wouldn't properly close because of the rope that made sure Dust wouldn't get lost in the storm.

It had been about two minutes since Dust had left. We had heard him shouting at some point, but now all we could hear was silence.

"R.I.P. Dust." Nightmare muttered.

Suddenly frantic banging on the door could be heard, causing us all to jump and have a heart attack.

Nightmare sighed. "Or not."

Horror quickly scrambled away from the door and it burst open revealing a snow covered Dust, clutching a shaking creature.

We all immediately rushed to his side leaving Horror to battle the door shut.

Once the door was firmly locked shut we surrounded the sofa where Dust was sat, the shaking creature he'd risked his life for curled up in his arms.

It was a skeleton. A very small skeleton. It was uncontrollably shivering and its breathing was so shallow that one might mistake it as being dead.

It wore a greyish top with black shorts. It also wore a blue scarf round his neck, tied into a bow at the back.

Lust came scrambling down the stairs with a bunch of blankets and towels in his arms and dropped them at Dusts feet before returning to Horrors side.

Dust un-curled the tiny skeleton from around him and wrapped it up in the thick layers of blankets. It looked like a baby that had been wrapped all up.

On closer examination I realised it was a boy. A young male skeleton, snuggled up in the blankets. He had stopped shivering which I assumed was a good sign.

The skeleton whined in his sleep and attempted to snuggle up to Dust, who was looking down at this small skeleton with a look I'd never seen before.

It wasn't a look of hate or anything hostile but, something else....


Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
Who is this skeleton that Dust saved? (It's kinda obvious)
All will become clear soon.

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