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---Errors POV----

I sat on one of the sofas staring at the others expectantly, waiting for an explanation.

Turns out that black and white dressed skeleton wasn't the only thing they had let in. A small blue eyed skeleton was sat on Dusts lap looking at me nervously.

Dust had a hand placed protectively around him. We all turned as Nightmare walked down the stairs.

"Where's the other one?" I asked.

"He's asleep." Nightmare growled.

I smirked at him and he glared back. "Now then." I said. "Tell me everything that's happened since I've gone."

"Where have you been?" Horror asked.

"That's not important." I said quickly. "You guys have to speak first."
They all looked at each other and Killer started talking.

"Well, after it had stopped raining we had all came back except you, so we literally sent out a search party but couldn't find you.

Then the snow came and before we knew it we're snowed in. With still no sign of you. So we're like a few hours into the storm and we were watching TV when Dust said he heard someone crying for help."

"So being a nice person I went to save them." Dust cut in. "So I went outside into the blizzard and rescued Blue not realising he's part of the police force." Dust said.

Blue looked at me, his eyes full of fear. I stared coldly back at him.

Dust continued. "So, then it had been a few days and we were all bored watching TV when a warning about an escaped asylum psycho came out.

Then we hear a knock at the door and Nightmare decided to answer it."

I looked over at Nightmare and he shrugged. "Not my fault I was taught manners." He said slyly.

I rolled my eyes. And Horror decided to tell the rest. "So Nightmare let's in this person who was unconscious and we're looking over at the news and see their a perfect match."

"Wait hold up." I said. "Are you telling me that the person upstairs is the asylum escapist?"

Horror nodded, I looked at Nightmare, but he was currently looking up at the ceiling. Purposely avoiding my gaze. He seemed bored by the conversation.

"Anyway he wakes up and tries to kill Dust but Nightmare stopped him. Slammed him against a wall, dropped him then just walked off saying he was possessed.

And now he wont leave Nightmare alone." Horror finished talking.

"Is that it?" I asked.

"Pretty much."

"But where have you been Error?" Dust asked.

I panicked, I can't tell them the truth. "I found an old abandoned place and hid in there throughout the storm."

"Why didn't you just teleport to us?" Nightmare asked.


"That doesn't matter." I muttered. Nightmare grinned at me. His look saying 'I'm on to you Error' I frowned and walked over to the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water.

"You know we can't keep him." I said, motioning to the small skeleton on Dusts lap. He sighed. "I know."

Blue looked from me to Dust, a confused expression on his face.

"Same with the psycho." I said. Nightmare glared at me.

"Well..."Lust said.

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