I hope I'm not Interrupting Anything

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Happy Birthday @DylanNorris108 Heres that Crossmare you asked for! :-)

---Cross' POV----

I was sat cross legged on one of the large sofas intently watching the small white boned skeleton in front of me.

He was currently trying to pull one of the eight magic restraints he had on, off.

It wasn't working. They would slip up the wrist easily, but wouldn't fit over the hand, getting stuck where the thumb bone starts.

The skeleton growled and punched the sofa next to him in anger.

I didn't move and continued to watch him.

The others had said that this skeleton was Nightmare, and I could definitely see that through attitude and temper....but he was just too cute like this.

I wanted to just pick him up and hold him to my chest, but he would never let me do that. And that's a fact.

I sighed, going off into a little daydream.

I hadn't noticed Nightmare watching me questioningly, stopping with his attempts to free himself from the restraints for a moment.


I shook my head, my daydream evaporating. "Y-Yes?" I squeaked.

Nightmare shook his head and studied my face, I could feel my cheeks heat up and I quickly looked away, grabbing the cushion next to me and pretending to notice something interesting about it.

He continued to stare at me and I could feel my face heat up even more.

"W-What do you want?" I stuttered, still avoiding his stare.

He seemed to brake out of some sort of trance and shook his head, growling at nothing.

He looked down at the floor, an embarrassed look on his face.

"Do you think you can help me get these restraints off?" He mumbled, holding out a hand towards me.

"U-Umm.....I can try." I said, pushing off the sofa and sitting cautiously down next to him.

I grasped hold of his arm and pulled it over to me, causing Nightmare to have to shift closer to me.

At that moment Error walked in.

"What's going in here?" He asked suggestively, raising an 'eyebrow' in confusion.

"NOTHING!" We both yelled, looking to the side in embarrassment.

"Suuurrreeeee." Error said, crossing his arms and smirking.

"I-I'm just trying to help Nightmare get the restraints off." I said defensively.

"Uhuh.... Well don't let me spoil your fun." He drawled before laughing and walking out of the room.

Nightmare growled, looking like he wanted to chase and tackle Error.

To prevent him doing so I pulled him closer, causing him to loose balance and grip me for support.

"You can kill him later." I said, summoning one of my knives. "But first we need to get these off of you."

Nightmare tensed as I bought the knife over to the first magic restraint and I chuckled at his reaction.

"Don't you dare cut my hands off." He warned, eyeing my knife cautiously.

Killer, who was on the other side of the room, looked up at his words. "He's definitely gonna cut your hand off." He called, laughing at the death stare Nightmare shot at him.

Criminal Conflict (An Undertale sanscest story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant