Moving Out

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💩Part this book ever gonna end? (It like 20 more chapters or something)💩

🔥Hey, out of curiosity, who's your favourite character in this story if you have one cuz I'd love to know. (Mines Nightmare XD)🔥

---Cross' POV----

Everyone was getting ready. We had decided that we needed to go back to Craitown in an attempt to rescue Geno and some guy who they call Fresh.

Apparently he was caught by the police a while before I turned up. So this was a rescue mission.

The idea was that we left around the afternoon (it spellchecked that to Afterdeath XD) then we would hopefully arrive at the town in the cover of night.

We didn't actually have a full plan for how we'd bust them out but we were gonna try. Wing it if you like.

"Are you sure there's gonna be enough of us?" Killer called, scanning the room and everyone in it.

Error was the one to respond.

"Yeah, I mean maybe not before. But now that we've got Cross and Toothy we should be able to pull it off."

"Question is..." Dust started. "What can Toothy actually do? I mean we know that Cross is a badass with those knives of his, but what about Toothy? We've seen he's a master at running away. But is he any good in attack?"

We all turned to look at 'Toothy'.

"I can do enough." He growled.

"We'll be saying that at your funeral." Nightmare muttered, tripping Toothy over as he walked past.

Killer snickered.

"R.I.P. Toothy, his last words before the cruel world devoured him....I can do enough...."

Dust finished Killers sentence for him.

"But alas." He sighed. "Enough just wasn't.....enough."

They looked at each other slyly before collapsing into a fit of giggles and laughs.

"Very funny." Toothy growled, pushing himself off the floor and dusting himself down, scowling at all of us.

"Everyone chill." Error called. "We don't want an argument right before we leave, then the whole journey would be torture. We have enough to suffer through by putting up with Lusts whining."

"Hey!" Lust yelled."I don't whine!"

"Uhuh, sure." Nightmare muttered.

"Are you good to walk?" Error asked.

To answer him Lust pushed himself off the sofa he had been sat on, and took a few steps forward. "I think I'll make it." He winced.

We had crudely attempted to fix Lusts leg, bandaging it up. None of us were any good at healing, stuff like that comes for those of a pure heart.

The best we'd managed to do was bandage it along with a metal rod to keep it in place. He also had a pair of old crutches we had found whilst exploring Nightmares mansion.

The journey would definitely be slowed down by this. But there's no way that we'd leave anyone behind.

Error is also semi-crippled still. We couldn't do anything for his ribs, they look cracked beyond compare right now. But he'd insisted that he's fine and that it wouldn't affect us.

I think everyone was a bit worried about going back. Mainly because of the thought of encountering those vines again.

Yeah. I don't think any of us were too keen on that idea.

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