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Dreams POV

The darkness....it's...consuming me...
Why...can't I ...open my...eyes...?
Why does....this hurt...so bad...?

Is this.....death?

Is this...what it...feels like..?


What about all my friends?

I can feel myself slipping down a dark tunnel. I can see light above me but it's painfully far away.

Maybe it would be easier to just embrace my fate...

I feel my will crumbling as I fall deeper down the tunnel, the light falling further away.

Then suddenly I hear voices.

"Everything's going to be okay."
"Just hang on!"

My friends.......

Suddenly I wasn't ready to die. I scrambled wildly trying to slow my descent.

"HELP!" I screamed.

But nobody came.....

I screamed again. Feeling my voice crack.

"COME ON DREAM!" I heard someone yell frantically.

I looked up to see the light had gotten closer. A sudden wave of determination had hit me and I felt myself rise higher, towards the light.

It grew closer, and I reached out a battered hand to touch it.
Then the light blinded me and everything went white.

----Time Skip------------------------------

Inks POV

I stood nervously at the end of the hospital bed looking down at Dreams fragile sleeping body.

The small rise and fall of his chest was visible from under the white hospital sheets, it was so slight that I felt my self worry at some points that he'd stopped breathing entirely.

Blue and I had found him collapsed against a wall in an alleyway, broken and unconscious.

"Whoever did this shall pay!" I muttered as balled my hands into fists.
I turned my head as a doctor walked in, along with a worried looking Blue.

"Doctor is he going to be okay?" I asked, my voice showing my panic.

"He'll live." The doctor replied curtly.

Blue walked over to my side and looked down at Dream, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, that to my shock had lost their sparkle.

I bought Blue into a soft hug. He stared up at me, his eyes wide and sad.
"It's okay." I murmured. "Everything's gonna be okay."

----Time Skip------------------------------

Still Inks POV

I paced back and forth in my room, worrying about Dream. I glanced at the finished drawing of him I'd done the other day.

I'd sketched it when I had popped round for a visit, we had sat down in front his log fire as he read a book. It was so cute I decided to quickly sketch it while he wasn't looking.

I turned my gaze to the other drawing. The one of me and Error. I felt like seeing him again. And if he wasn't there then I could always just look out at the stars and relax.

I pulled on a coat and left my house making sure the door was shut behind me, and headed of to the cliff top paradise where I hoped to find Error.

Well this was short....
I have no words for what I have written.

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