[7] Home Sweat Home E

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Mia's POV:

The flight home was peaceful. Maddie and I fell asleep for the two-hour ride back home. When we touched down in Texas I was awoken by Diana. All of our stuff was already in the car so all I did was hop into the suburban and wait for everybody else.

The driver took me home first. Once we got there I said my goodbyes and got my stuff from the truck. A smile made its way onto my face as I made my way up the stairs to the door. I put my key in the lock and pushed the door open. I turned around and waved to the truck and they drove off.

I dropped my stuff and locked the door behind me. I could hear laughing going on upstairs so I grabbed my stuff and made my way there. I put my stuff down in my room and walked over to the twin's room. When they get older Brooklyn and Melissa will give them there own rooms but for now they are going to share one to make it easier for them.

I pushed the door open and saw Brooklyn and Melissa each holding a twin in the matching wooden rocking chairs. They both looked up at me and smiled.

"Glad to see your home!" Melissa said getting up from her chair. She put Aiden down and walked over to me. I wrapped my arms around her.

God I missed this. Being able to hug my mothers whenever I wanted too. Since I moved out to LA with Demi I haven't been here as much as I would like too. We have just been busy with rehearsal for the tour. When Demi would give us the weekend off I would fly out here to be with them but because the tour is rapidly approaching I haven't had the chance.

But Demi has given us time off to be with family for the holidays because once they're over we are going back to work. Melissa pulled away from me and took my face in her hands.

"God why did he have to hit you and mess up your beautiful face?" She asked.

I laughed just think back to the past few days. Well at least one person likes my messed up face, I though thinking about Lauren. A blush made its way to my face and I looked down at my shoes.

"Why are you blushing Mia?" Melissa asked and let go of my face.

"Nothing just thinking about the sleepover last night." I said.

"Move over Mel she's my daughter too." Brooklyn said.

Melissa faked a hurt face and kissed my forehead before she let go of me. Brooklyn must have put Julia down because once Melissa was clear of me she wrapped her arms around me. I did the same. I love them so much; I don't think they know what they did for me when they took me in after Demi hit me.

It means the world to me that they consider me their own flesh and blood. Brooklyn kissed my head and pulled away.

"So are you going to tell us what happened with your dad?" Brooklyn asked. I sighed and hugged Brooklyn again. I really didn't want to but I knew I'm going to have too.

"He showed up at the party and demanded I come back with him. He said he let me have my fun but it's time to go back with him. But I handled it, told him off and told him he had ten seconds to leave but he didn't so I beat the shit out of him. The only bad thing about it was the fact that he got a shot in." I said and pulled away from Brooklyn.

She smiled and kissed my forehead. When she pulled away she put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me seriously.

"My little fighter, I'm proud of you Mia, standing up to your dad like that. How are your hands though?" Brooklyn asked.

"My right hand hurts a bit but not that much and my left doesn't hurt." I said as Brooklyn looked over my hands.

My right hand hurt a lot, I'm lucky I didn't break it. That could have put an end to my career before it even started. My knuckles are all red and bruised with cuts on them. Brooklyn stretched my hand in all different ways trying to get a reaction out of me. She finally got what she was looking for when she squeezed my hand, I hissed and pulled my hand away from her.

Brooklyn looked at Melissa and raised and eyebrow. Melissa came over and held out her hands. I rolled my eyes and gave my hands to her. Melissa did the same things and ended with squeezing my hand. I yelped and pulled it away.

"Seriously you guys are just making it worse." I said rubbing my knuckles.

"Do you think you'll be okay on your own for a little bit?" Brooklyn asked Melissa.

I rolled my eyes and left the room. I knew where this is going. She's going to take me to the hospital and make sure nothing is broken. I grabbed and icepack from the freezer and put it on my knuckles and walked out the door.

Brooklyn met me in her Jeep five minutes later. She didn't say anything until we pulled into the hospital's employee only parking lot.

"We are getting pizza on the way home." Brooklyn said. I shut the door and met her at the door.

"You think getting pizza for dinner is going to make my hand feel better?" I asked and looked at her.

"No but it might help, just follow me." Brooklyn said.

I did as I was told and kept my head down. A few people congratulate Brooklyn on the twins as we made our way to the x-ray room. She set it up and put my hand on the table thing. She told me not to move my hand and walked away.

My hand is numb now so it doesn't hurt. The machine clicked and Brooklyn walked back in. She told me I could move and handed me the ice pack back. Brooklyn walked back over to the computer and I followed. Brooklyn played around on the computer for a few minutes while she waited for the x-ray to come up.

I looked down at me hand. My knuckles are bleeding again. I just stuck the icepack back on them. Brooklyn cleared her throat and I looked up at her.

"You have a hairline fracture in your middle finger knuckle." Brooklyn said and pointed to the screen. I sighed and looked at the computer. Right were she is pointing looks like a piece of hair. I guess I did hurt my hand.

"Great now what?" I said.

"I'll wrap it and before you leave again I'll x-ray it and see if it's healed. Soft cast. Come on, you're bleeding on my floor." She said.

I looked down at the floor and saw one drop of blood on the floor. Brooklyn put her hand on my shoulder and pushed me out of the room. She made me sit on a stretcher as she got the stuff to wrap my hand with. She came back a few minutes later with the things she needed.

Ten minutes later my right hand is wrapped up nicely. Brooklyn even gave me a lollipop because she said I was such a good girl. Just like she promised we got pizza on the way home from the hospital.

The rest of the night was good, beside the part with my hand. I had a great time hanging out with Brooklyn, Melissa, and the twins. I'm just hoping my hand will be healed by the time I need to leave for tour.

It All Started With a Bang: 2 (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now