[37] Only Place I Call Home E

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Mia's POV:

The concert last night was okay. Demi made me sit down for it though. My leg is still killing me. Note to self: watch what you're eating next time. After the show last night I went back to the bus and started to write a song. I have had an idea for this song when I was playing around with the girls before the show started. I was playing the guitar basically, so I just wrote lyrics to go with the music. When I was done with the song I went to sleep.

Someone is staring at me I know it, I can feel it. I don't want to open my eyes though. I just want to stay asleep a little bit longer and not have to deal with anything.

"Mia, it's time to wake up." The same someone said. I rolled over and opened my eyes to find a part of blue ones looking into mine.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my head.

"One in the afternoon." Lauren said.

"Do I have to get up?" I asked closing my eyes again. I fell like I haven't slept in years.

"No just move over." Lauren said.

I did what she told me and Lauren climbed into my bunk. Since I'm tallish I have a top bunk.

"Here" Lauren said handing me an icepack. I put it on my leg and cover myself with the blankets again.

"Thanks" I said and put my head on her chest. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Demi had some stuff to take care of and I don't know where the other girls are, besides we need to talk about what's going on." Lauren said.

"Demi and I kissed, Taylor and I broke up and I'm still hurting over this whole reaction thing." I said.

"You've had an exciting few days." Lauren said and chuckled.

"Yea I guess you can say that." I said and laughed.

I started coughing again but I quickly reached under my pillow and take a hit off my inhaler. I stuck it back under my pillow and crawled back into Laurens side.

"I hate this." I said.

"I'm sorry babe." Lauren said and kissed my head. "If you want to sleep you can. I'll wake you up in an hour." Lauren said.

"I love you so much right now." I said and closed my eyes. Lauren laughed and played with my hair.

Lauren shook me and it only felt like 5 minutes later. I opened my eyes and looked at Lauren.

"You're needed" Lauren said and handed me my phone.

"Hello?" I said half asleep.

"Mia can you come into the arena we need to go over something." Demi said.

"Can you give me like a half hour?" I asked trying not to fall back asleep.

"I can give you about ten minutes." Demi said.

I didn't answer; I just hung up the phone. Lauren got out of bed and I did the same. I brushed my hair out and threw on Melissa sweatshirt and a pair of sweat pants. I grabbed Wes' snapback putting it on then my hood and walked off the bus with my inhaler and phone in my pocket.

Demi and the band were waiting for me on the stage when I walked in. I got my guitar and waited till she told me what she wanted.

"What did you need?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"You look like crap." Steve said.

"And I feel like it too. What did you need, I want to go back to sleep." I said.

It All Started With a Bang: 2 (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now