[28] Face Down E

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Mia's POV:

I walk through the house and into the kitchen. Before I walked out the back door I saw something on the fridge. I put my guitar down and pick the note off the fridge.

To the next owner,

Do whatever you want with the clothes in the other two bedrooms.

Both of our children are dead and we have no use for them anymore.


The previous owners.

The note is written in my dad's handwriting. I just laughed and put the note back on the fridge. I grab my guitar again and walk out the back door. Our once heavily used in-ground pool is drained and spray painted just how I wanted it. When I saw the spray painted pool I smiled for the first time today.

I put my backpack down and took out my pills. I took two of them and watched as the crew started to set up. It's going to take them a few minutes so I left my bags on a chair and went back inside. Everybody is looking around.

"Mia is this you in all of these pictures?" Hanna asked.

"Yea, just don't touch them. Call me when the crew is ready outside. We are going to do a cover first of Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I'll be in my room." I said going back up the stairs leaving everyone behind.

I left my door open and I went into my closet. I started grabbing the clothes that I want to take back to Brooklyn's with me and threw them into a suitcase. Once I was done with the closet I closed the closet door. Looking into the suitcase I saw it's only half full. I have two other suitcases if I need them then I can use Aiden's.

"This was your room?" I looked up to the door and saw my band and my moms standing in the doorway.

"Yea you can come in just don't touch anything." I said and pealed my Mayday Parade poster off the wall. I fold it up and gently place it in the suitcase. I left the other posters alone and my mind raced about what I should take from the house.

I walk to my bathroom and went under the sink. My metal box is still here. I walked back into my room and hand it to Brooklyn.

"Get rid of that please. I don't want to see it." I said.

"Can I open it?" She asked and I just nodded. Brooklyn pulled the lid off and everything is still in there. All of my pills, razors and lighters are still in there.

I walked away from the box and grabbed the suitcase. I picked it up and walked to Aiden's room. I closed the door behind me and sank down the floor. I punched the wall next to the door with my left hand trying to get rid of some of the anger I have inside of me. I look around his room again.

"Mia the crew is ready." Taylor said from outside the door.

"I'll be out in a minute." I said back. I got up off the floor and walk to out his room.

Everyone is outside waiting for me. I grab my guitar out of the case and tune it quickly before going the edge of the pool.

"Before we start today I just want everyone to know that the room's upstairs are off limits. Anybody goes into those rooms without my say so will be killed." I said before jumping into the pool. I plug my guitar into the amp and strum a cord to make sure everything is good.

"I'm making some minor changes to the lyrics, you gets ready?" I asked my band. They nodded and I counted us in.

Hey, girl, you know you drive me crazy

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