[43] Sick E

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Demi's POV

Mia is finally mine and I couldn't be happier. The rest of the show went great and Mia even got back on stage with me. I think this has been my favorite show on tour so far. After the show was over we got back on the bus and started toward the next stop, which is Massachusetts. On the way we stopped at the airport because Maddie and Dallas are flying back to LA tonight. Mom only let Maddie come out again to watch Mia perform and Dallas stayed so Maddie wouldn't have to fly back by herself.

I said bye to them as they went to catch their plane. When I got back on the bus we started up again. Mia was in my bed when I got back on the bus. I smiled and sat down next to her.

"Hi" She said.

"Hi" I said back.

"So did you like the song?" Mia asked.

"I loved it." I said and kissed her.

"Good" Mia said when we broke away. She smiled and laid in bed with her arms open. I smiled and crawled into her arms.

We have an off day today. Brooklyn wanted to take Mia out to celebrate last night. I told Mia to go because I'm not feeling the best and I want to sleep the day away. So that's what I did. Well I tried too. Around 3 I woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep. So I got up changed into some sweats and went to the arena.

When I found the stage I saw Mia playing lacrosse with Brooklyn. She was having fun and I didn't want to bother her so I walked to my dressing room. My head is pounding as I took a seat on the couch.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard Marissa say. I let out a cough and looked at her.

"I feel like crap, can you get me some Advil?" I asked.

"Sure" Marissa said and left me. I got a blanket and pulled it over me.

"Demi take this." Marissa said. I didn't even open my eyes. Mar handed me the pills and I took them before I passed out again.

Marissa's POV:

I watched as Demi take the pills and sink back into the couch. She looks terrible. I don't really want to leave her alone. Her cough didn't sound great either. I texted Natalie to come to the dressing room so I could talk with her. A few minutes after I sent the text the door opened and Natalie walked in.

She looked at Demi and then me and closed the door behind herself. She walked over to her and felt her forehead.

"She's really warm." Natalie said.

"She also has a bad cough when I heard it. I just gave her two Advil for her headache." I filled her in.

"Okay well when she wakes up she how she feels. If she still feels bad we need to try and talk her into seeing a doctor. I'll be back I need to talk to Nick about some things and I'll and see if a doctor can come see her." Natalie said and walked out.

So now I'm babysitting a sleeping Demi. She probably won't be up for a while. I sighed and walked out of the dressing room. I saw Lauren walking toward me.

"Hey Lauren could you stay with Demi for a minute I need to get something from the bus." I asked.

"Yea sure" Lauren said.

"Thank you." I said and quickly went to the bus.

I got some things to keep me entertained for a while and went back to the dressing room. When I walked in Lauren is sitting in the chair I was in before.

"Thanks again." I said and smiled.

"No problem." Lauren said and left the room. I sat in my chair again and pulled out my laptop. Might as well get some work done while I'm waiting for her to get up.

Demi's POV:

When I woke up I defiantly felt better then before. The Advil took care of my headache and I actually felt like I could stay wake for a while. I sat up on the couch and saw Marissa on her computer.

"Hey" I said. Marissa looked up from her laptop and looked at me.

"How you feeling?" Mar asked closing her laptop.

"Better actually a lot better. What time is it?" I asked.

"It is 6:30." Mar said.

"Could we get some food I'm pretty hungry." I said, I haven't eaten all day so now I'm pretty hungry.

Marissa smiled and got up with me. We ended up getting some Chinese food and staying in my dressing room for the rest of the night. When I was tired we went to a hotel for the night. I texted Mia and told her to stay with Brooklyn tonight because I wasn't feeling good. She wanted to come see me but I told her no. She listened but I don't think she was happy about it.

My show the next day was okay. I wasn't feeling good again but I still went out and sang my heart out for my fans. After the show was over we all got onto the bus and headed to the next show. It's back-to-back shows for the next four days and it doesn't really help that I'm feeling worse by the day.

I'm not letting Mia stay close to me even though she is trying. I haven't let her sleep with me since the day we got together. Things with my health are going down hill fast and I don't know how much longer I can take it. I feel like shit and I'm losing my voice, which isn't good. Finally on March 8th I let Natalie take me to see a doctor, which I thought was stupid because Brooklyn could have just taken a look at me. But Natalie said no so off to the doctor we went.

It turns out that I have an upper respiratory tract infection. The doctor said I shouldn't be talking let alone singing for the next couple of days while the medicine starts to work. But I don't have a choice I'm not letting my fans down. So I have stopped talking before my shows to save my voice.

I was supposed to preform on Jimmy Fallon on the 10th but I'm not going to be able to, Natalie sorted it all out for me. I'm going to be playing Pictionary with him and his other guest. But I have to do it because I can't sing.

Video on the side is Demi on Jimmy Fallon.

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