[34] Gravity E

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Mia's POV:

My throat is killing me. After the doctor gave me medication the swelling in my throat went down but it hurts just about the same amount as my leg. Brooklyn stabbed me so hard with the damn EpiPen. The doctors finally left me alone with Melissa, but I had an oxygen mask on and I wasn't allowed to take it off. I also had an IV with the medication to make sure the swelling stays down and goes away and an icepack on my leg.

This was the first time in a long time I had a reaction, well a bad one. I would have little ones every once in a while but I would just take some Benadryl and I would be fine. I guess I was do for a bad one than. But I should have been watching what I was eating, that was completely my fault.

"How you feeling Mia?" Melissa asked as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"My throat hurts, can I have some water?" I asked. Maybe that will help it.

"Sure here you go." Melissa said and gave me a water bottle. I drank about half of the bottle. It felt good to wet my throat.

"Better?" Melissa asked. I just nodded and took a deep breath, a little too deep because I started coughing again.

Melissa patted my back and just stay next to me till I stopped. By the time it stopped I could barely breath. Melissa put the mask back over my face and I laid down again.

"I'm going to get Brooklyn okay?" Melissa asked.

"Just Brooklyn." I said. She nodded and left me alone.

I moved the mask off my face for a minute and rubbed my head. Today has been a long day. My arm hurts because I got my dream catcher tattoo this morning, after that I went to see Aiden. I'm ready for this day to be over. I put the mask on again and tried to relax.

I was pretty much asleep when the door I heard the door open. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was.

"Hey baby" Mom said.

"Hi." I mumbled.

"It's okay Mia sleep, we will speak in the morning." Brooklyn said.

"I need to be on the bus to Atlanta." I said opening my eyes.

"Mia you need to be here over night to make sure the reaction is completely gone." Melissa said.

"Fine" I said too tried to fight over this. I felt the bed dip and they both got in on either side of me and I fell asleep.

Demi's POV:

The door opened and my head snapped in its direction. Melissa stood in the doorway and looked at everyone.

"How is she?" Brooklyn asked.

"She'll be fine. The reaction was pretty bad though, she need to stay over night and possible all of tomorrow to make sure the swelling in her throat goes away completely." Melissa informs all of us.

"Can we see her?" Taylor asked. It was the first time tonight she has spoken.

"No, she only want us right now. She is really tired and she's had a long day already. You guys should get going I know you have to be on the road soon." Melissa said.

"She isn't going to make it to the Atlanta show is she?" I asked.

"Probably not, no. But knowing her she will try her hardest to be on a plane to be there." Melissa said. I laughed a bit because she is right. Mia would do anything to make it to Atlanta. She hated it when she missed the one show because of dealing with Taylor drama.

"We'll see here in Atlanta. Tell her we said feel better. Come on guys." I said getting up from my chair.

Everyone followed me out of the hospital and we all got on our separate busses and we started toward Atlanta.

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