[45] From Long Island With Love E

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Mia's POV

The train ride was quiet. Mom looked out the window most of the time while I played with the guitar. I'm pretty sure we were the only ones in the train car. When we got to Merrick mom started to get up.

"Get your stuff together, next stop we get off." Mom said. I nodded and put the guitar away. After I got my stuff together I met mom by the doors. The train slowly came to a stop and we got off.

We walked down the stairs and mom led me to the car and I put my stuff away in the trunk and got into the passenger seat. Mom started the car up and we pulled out of the spot.

"This was the cool place to be on a Friday or Saturday night. My friends and I would walk around town for hours." Mom said as we went threw town. She made a right down a side street and then a left at the light.

This looks like a nice place to grow up. We pasted lot of house and I saw a lot of kids running around on lawns. Mom made a right and then another quick right. She slowly went down the block and backed into the driveway. The house looks nice from the outside. It has a circular driveway and in the middle is an island with a tree.

Mom turned off the car and got out. I grabbed my backpack and followed Mom up the steps of the porch. The front door is closed and it doesn't look like anybody is home.

"Are you sure they're home?" I asked.

"Yea they're here." Mom said and hit the doorbell. When she didn't get an answer right away she hit it again.

She was going to hit it again but I stopped her. I took her hand in mine and intertwined my fingers with hers.

"It will be okay mom, if you want to leave at anytime we leave." I said and she nodded. The door opened to reveal a man in his late 50's. He looked from me to Brooklyn. When he saw her he opened the screen door and pulled her into a hug. Mom let go of my hand and hugged him back.

It was so nice to see Brooklyn with her father. She told me about how she got her love of baseball and the Yankees from him. They finally pulled away from each other and he wiped her tears away.

"It's so good to see you Brooke. You have no idea how much I've missed you." He said and smiled.

"I've missed you too daddy." Mom said.

"Who's this?" Her dad asked.

"Dad this is my daughter Mia, Mia this is my dad Peter." Brooklyn said.

"It's nice to me you sir." I said.

"God call me grandpa." He said and pulled me into a hug.

It was nice to hug Peter. I don't know why but it felt right. I've never met my real grandparents on either side of my biological parents.

"Come inside." Peter said when he let me go. Brooklyn smiled and pushed me inside after Peter while she followed me. The house is nice looking. Right as we walked threw the door we are in the living room. There is a large TV on the wall with a blue couch on the opposite wall.

Peter led us into the dining room and we sat down at the table. I put my bag on the floor and looked around.

"So what are you doing here?" Peter asked.

"I wanted to see you guys. Where's mom?" Mom asked.

"She's asleep upstairs. Do you want to talk first then I'll wake her up." Peter said.

"That would be best." Mom said and smiled.

"So what's new with you? Well you have a beautiful daughter here so you must have been busy." Peter said.

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