[13] Christmas Part 2 E

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Demi's POV:

Christmas day with my family was great. I missed having them all around. One thing sucked though. I don't even know why I watch E! anymore. Anyway, I was flipping through channels when I heard my name. So I left it on. They had a whole story about me shopping with Marissa from the other day. They thing I'm pregnant.

When I saw this I flipped. My demons started to crawl out of the hole I buried them in. They really think I'm pregnant. The reporter kept talking and I took to twitter. Apparently lots of my fans saw the story because 'Demi Lovato Pregnant' was the number one trend worldwide. Before I could even send out a tweet about it my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"I'm guessing you saw the story?" My publicist Emily said.

"Yea I was about to tweet about how I'm not. I went with Marissa shopping yesterday to get Mia's mothers a Christmas gift for the twins. I didn't think they would spin it into me being prego!" I say getting worked up.

"Hey Dems, calm down. I'm getting a lot of people who want to talk to you about it. I think you should do one and talk about the tour also, I'm thinking about Ellen. She was the first to ask." Emily said.

"I'll do Ellen and only Ellen. Mia is going back to LA in January to work on her album so I'll go with her and we can do it then. It will be right after New Years." I said trying to calm myself down.

"You got it, I'll text you the details." Emily said and I hung up the phone.

I turned off the TV and started pacing around the living room. I need to do something to calm down. I picked up a pillow and threw it across the room.

"You okay?" Maddie asked.

"No! E! news thinks I'm pregnant because the motha fucken paparazzi got pictures of me and Marissa after I went shopping for something for the twins." I said continuing to pace around the living room.

"Demi watch your language and go get ready we are leaving in a few to go to Brooklyn and Melissa's house." My mom said walking into the living room. When she saw my face she stopped what she was doing and came up to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Maddie you tell her." I said and walked away.

I went to my room and got dressed. Before I left I grabbed the gifts for the twins and went back downstairs. My family was waiting for me by the door. I just walked right out and went to my car. I got in and started it. Maddie got into the passenger seat before I could pull out. She didn't say anything and I pulled out of the driveway.

I made my way to Mia's house in silence. Maddie didn't speak. When I looked over at her she was on her phone, probably sending mom directions to Eddie because they don't know where Mia lives.

When I got there I got out and collected myself, putting fake smile on my face and waited for the rest of them before I walked up to the door. Once they were finally ready we went to the door. After I knocked Mia opened the door a few minutes later. She saw the look on my face and knew something was up. Her and Maddie are two of the few people who can see right past my fake smiles. She told me to meet her outside after I said hello.

I did what I was told. I said a quick hello to everybody and went outside. Mia was waiting for me when I got there.

"I saw twitter, you okay?" She asked.

"No! Right now I want to hit someone because of all the anger I have. Then on the other hand I just want to crawl up in a ball and cry because those damn reporters think I'm pregnant!" I said letting out my emotions. Mia came up to me and handed me two boxing gloves. She put them on my hands and let me to the garage.

"Well I can help you with the first thing." Mia said pulling into the garage. Inside is a punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

"Knock yourself out. Not literally though." Mia said.

So that's what I did. I walked up to the bag and started getting my anger out. I really need to get one of these things at my house and the apartment in LA. After what felt like 10 minutes I step back from the bag, covered in sweat. My legs are weak and I feel to the floor.

I rip the gloves off and push my hair out of my face. My anger is still here but it's not as bad as me wanting to rip someone's head off. Mia sat in front of me and handed me a towel. I took I took it from her and wiped myself off. Mia opened a bottle of water and dumped it over my head. It was cold and all I could think of was how good it felt.

"Better?" She asked and handed me another bottle.

"Yea" I said and downed the water.

"Good, you want some dinner?" She asked.

"Not really" I said.

"To bad, lets go inside its been two hours already, and you need a shower because you stink." Mia said standing up.

She holds her hand out for me and I took it. Mia helped me inside and into her room. I showered quickly and change into a pair of shorts and sweatshirt Mia gave me. After all of that I went downstairs and Mia introduced me to the twins. Both of them are so cute. Mia made me eat and she watched me like a hawk afterward so I would go purge it. The rest of the night was a lot better then the beginning and I felt better about myself.

Brooklyn looked at my hands after dessert to make sure I didn't damage them when I was hitting the bag. After she said I was fine Mia, Maddie and I played with the twins for a bit. I gave Brooklyn and Melissa my gift for the twins and they opened it. I got them little shirts that have 'Future Rockstar' written on them.

We all had a good laugh when they showed us the onesies Mia got them. Mia and I dress the twins in the shirts she got them I took a picture of them with her and posted it on twitter. Hopefully that will shut up the reporters.

A/N: Song on the side is Have Faith In Me by A Day To Remember Marks audition song.

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