[39] Virginia E

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Mia's POV:

Holy shit. This week has been madness. Recording and writing and dealing with Brooklyn coming up I haven't had time to do anything. I recorded three songs Monster, Only Place I Call Home and The Only Reason. I wrote The Only Reason for Demi. Eventually I want to sing it for her when we get together but I haven't had time.

After Demi and I kissed yesterday I felt kind of bad for stringing her along for so long. But I want to make this special so Demi is going to have to wait a little bit longer. I already have it planed out. Sara went to the airport to pick up Brooklyn and she'll watch the show from the back stage.

The show went great actually. Demi had a great time bouncing around on stage. She sang great too. We just got off stage and I handed my guitar to a stagehand and my in ears. I walked back to the dressing room with the guys joking about something. I followed them in and saw Sara sitting on the couch.

"Mom!" I yelled when I saw Brooklyn standing in the corner of the room. I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Hey" She said and threw her arms around me.

"How was your flight?" I asked when I pulled away. I haven't seen her in a few weeks and its nice for her to come out and watch me perform.

"It was okay you guys did great!" Mom said.

"Bus leaves in a 45 minutes." Natalie said as she stuck her head into the room.

"Mom let me get my stuff together and change then we can go to the bus and talk there." I said.

"Sure sweetie, I'm going to wait outside." Mom said and kissed my forehead.

It took about 15 minutes but I finally got everything and changed. I had to wait for Mike to be finished in the bathroom though, if I got in before him I would have been done in 10. After I got my backpack on I left the room to find Mom talking too Dallas and Marissa.

"You ready?" I asked.

"When you are." Mom said with a smiled. I smiled back at her and took her hand in mine and lead her to the bus.

Mom's baggage is already on the bus so I just led her onto the bus. I put my stuff away and sat down on the couch next to her.

"How is everything?" She asked.

"Good, great now that am allowed to sing again. I recorded three songs and broke up with Taylor who was complete okay with the situation, oh have I told you that Demi and I kissed?" I said spilling pretty much everything I have been holding back.

I haven't really talked to anybody about anything that has been happening so I'm happy I can finally talk to mom about it. She usually gives great advice.

"Slow your roll, did you just say you kissed Demi?" Was the first question she asked.

"Yea we kissed and I didn't really think I could have those feelings for her, but now I do." I said.

"Wow okay that just took me by surprise." Mom said and chuckled.

"Thanks a lot." I said.

"If you like her like that then go for her, it's that simple." Mom said still laughing.

"Go ahead laugh at my pain." I said and hit her with a pillow.

"Oh it's on!" Mom yelled and grabbed the pillow and hit me back with it.

We had an all out pillow fight. I don't even think you can call it a fight, it was more like a war. I finally got the upper hand on mom by straddling her. We are both laughing and I hit her in the face again.

"Okay, okay that's enough Mia." Mom said laughing.

"Admit defeat women!" I said holding the pillow above her head ready to hit her again. Mom stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Never" she said and smirked. Before I had a chance to hit her Brooklyn flipped us over so she is on top.

"What is going on!"

I looked toward the door to see Demi, Maddie, Marissa, Dallas and Natalie all standing there with Starbuck in there hands.

"This little shit decided that she was going to hit me with a pillow and well things escaladed from there." Mom said and got off of me.

"Okay." Demi said.

"Ow okay I'm not doing that on the floor again." Mom said holding her back.

"Okay ew and stop being so dramatic your only 33." I said getting up off the floor.

"Lalalala I can't hear you." Mom said walking toward the back of the bus.

"Just ignore her, I do a lot." I said.

"Mia which one is yours?" Mom asked from the back.

"Coming, someone just wake me up tomorrow." I said. Natalie nodded and I walked to the back.

I showed Mom to my bunk and I got ready for bed. She did the same and climbed into the bunk. I got in after her and we chatted for a little bit longer before I fell asleep.

Sara woke me up the next morning. We have a show today and then we have tomorrow off. My band is meeting us at the arena tomorrow so we can practice. We have a quick sound check before sound cheek party, which starts at 1:30. Sara woke me up at 11. I got up and got something for breakfast before heading into the arena. The rest of the band was already in there. We are now just waiting on Demi.

When she finally came out to the stage we did a few songs before she stopped early. I could tell she didn't feel good. After living with her for the past year almost I can tell when she is sick. After I changed I went to her dressing room.

"Come in!" I heard someone yell.

I pushed the door open and found Demi asleep on the couch. I went right over to her and felt her forehead. She is sick.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked Marissa who is the only other person in the room.

"She woke up feeling crappy" Was what she said. I sighed and knelt down in next to the couch.

Lightly I put my hand on her cheek. Demi flinched but opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hey" She said. Her eyes look cloudy and she has bags under her eyes.

"How you feeling?" I asked my hand still on her face.

"Ugh my head is killing me and my neck is stiff. See what happens when you don't sleep next to me?" Demi chuckled.

"Is there anything I can get you?" I asked.

"I'm good." She said closing her eyes again. "Stay with me." She asked.

"Move over." I said.

Demi moved and I laid down on the couch with her. She put her head in my neck and fell right back to sleep. I knew I wasn't going to be able to move any time soon so I took out my phone and went threw my emails. After getting threw half of them someone hit my shoulder. I looked up from my phone and saw Natalie standing above me.

"Sleeping beauty needs to wake up." She said and I nodded.

I put my phone on the floor and looked at Demi. She hasn't moved since she fell asleep.

"Dems it's time to wake up." I said in her ear. She didn't respond. She opened her eyes and sat up. Demi got up off the couch and went to get ready without a word. I just picked up my phone and walked up behind her makeup chair.

"Call if you need me." I said and kissed her forehead before walking out of the dressing room.

I got dressed and ready for sound cheek while talking with mom and the boys. Sound check went okay but once Demi got off stage she went right back to sleep. I was on the phone with my band practicing for about two hours before I had to get off stage because the other groups needed to have their sound cheeks.

Mom and I talked more after that because I had nothing else to do. She told me all about the twins and showed me tons of pictures. The show it self went fine. But once it was over we where back on the bus to Pennsylvania.

It All Started With a Bang: 2 (Demi Lovato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now